APA 7th Edition

Templates & Tutorials

ONU APA 7 Student Template
ONU APA 7 Professional Template - Use when specified by EDD/Grad faculty
     Additional Notes - Graduate and EdD Papers
APA 7 Scaffolded Reference Elements Worksheet
APA 7 PowerPoint Tutorial from PeakWriting (DOI should include https:// prefix)

Reference Examples from APA Style

APA Style Blog Use this blog to review more-detailed discussions of how to apply APA style and format to your writing.
Use this diagram to see the components of a typical journal article or book citation.


APA citations no longer include “retrieved from database name” as part of an accurate citation. Instead, writers should include a complete DOI link, which begins in this way, https://dx.doi.org/ and is followed by the unique identifier for the article.

A complete DOI will thus look like this, https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/rmh0000008

Find a doi – Click on “Search Metadata” tab, then enter known information from the citation in order to identify a DOI

DOI Resolver - Use this search page when you have a DOI, but want to get the rest of the citation


Print APA Manuals

The print version of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is available to use (in-library only) from two locations on the first floor:

What is APA?

APA stands for American Psychological Association. It is commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences and other academic disciplines. “The [7th edition] APA Style team has deftly incorporated a decade’s worth of research and user feedback into the new edition,” said APA Executive Publisher Jasper Simons. Press Release August 6, 2019 See highlighted changes from the 6th edition to the 7th edition.

The content of the page was updated by Jasmine Cieszynski, Instructional Services, on 4/26/2022.