Free fulltext of working papers, reports, ebooks, journal articles, and more from the World Bank. 
Medieval Manuscripts (from the British Library)
Most require Latin or other language paleography, but the images are still useful and some have corresponding translations into modern English 
From the French National Library, is an Open Access collection of over 5 million digitized documents touching all aspects of French, European, and Global History 
Georgian Papers Online(from the Royal Collection Trust) in process digitization of personal and private correspondence of British Monarch from George I to William IV (1714-1837) 
The Post Family Papers(from University of Rochester) 19th Century American Activists: Quakers, Spiritualists, Suffragists, Temperance Advocates, Abolitionists - Dr. Robinson served as Editor on this project in graduate school. 
5-min. video. Which section(s) to read first. 
A great list of websites to obtain FREE audio books to use in your classroom or at your leisure! 
~target audience
~keep it simple
~keep it focused
~add white space
~create a killer headline
~focus on the flow
Check your facts
Cite your sources 
~What an Infographic Does
~How to Write Great Infographic Copy
~Great Examples 
~Develop Data Then Design Your Infographics
~Produce Great Content for Your Infographics 
1. Take a look around
2. Come up with a great idea
3. Ensure your data is top notch
4. Design with simplicity in mind
5. Tell an interesting story
6. Choose the right size
7. Optimize it for sharing 
~Show, don't tell
~Don't just insert a graph.
~Create interesting title & headers
~Create a story
~Add a visual hook (graphic)
~Limit to three colors
~Inform, don't just self-promote 
most frequently used style, font, base color, etc. 
~become familiar with the ways to visualize data
~sketch a draft
~learn about creative commons
~arrange content in inverted pyramid style 
What the symbols and license options mean for people who want to use the materials 
Easy-to-use infographic maker 
annotations for infographic creation tools 
"Record Number of US Exonerations in 2015 " 
How to read a scientific article (Rice University, The Cain Project in Engineering and Professional Communication)
Peer review in 3 minutes (YouTube video by North Carolina State University Libraries) 
hp glossary (scroll down past the picture) of 3D printing terms. Thanks to the Lyndhurst Girls' STEM club for the link recommendation. 
4Teachers Family of Tools offer a list of free classroom resources including creating rubrics, quizzes, online class calendars, and take home notes in English and Spanish. 
From equity and bilingual education to grants and educational journals, these multifaceted pages will guide you to all the top resources you'll need. 
Links and one-sentence descriptions of websites for grammar,spelling. vocabulary, and more 
UCLA library's video tutorial. Process of creating a literature review; including author's role. 
Online commentary website, written with a Wesleyan perspective. Useful for sermon preparation. 
An A-Z list of all the United States Government Agencies and Departments. This website provides each agency or department's website and contact information as well as their parent agency. 
Links to other nonprofit, education, and government websites relevant to nursing history. 
"...[the] framework based on a cluster of interconnected core concepts, with flexible options for implementation, rather than on a set of standards or learning outcomes, or any prescriptive enumeration of skills. At the heart of this Framework are conceptual understandings that organize many other concepts and ideas about information, research, and scholarship into a coherent whole. " 
Ozone maps with air quality and air pollution information 
Published annually in January issue of AJN. Annotated list of the most valuable nursing books of the year as chosen by American Journal of Nursing panel of judges. Books are listed by nursing specialty. 
Linked to the American Library Association (ALA) homepage, information is given books that are often challenged and intellectual freedom 
The award (or awards) is given to an African American author and an African American illustrator for an outstandingly inspirational and educational contribution. 
An ALA award given annually to the artist of the most distinguished American picture book for children. Included are Caldecott Medal Winners and Honor Books, 1938-Present. 
An ALA award given annually to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children. The site includes Newbery Medal and Honor Books, 1922-Present. 
The American Phytopathological Society is dedicated to plant pathology research. The APS has been making and sharing significant breakthroughs for both science and society for more than a century. 
The American Physical Therapy Association represents more than 88,000 physical therapists members who seek to improve the health and quality of life of individuals in society through research, education, and physical therapist practice. 
Science in School aims to promote inspiring science teaching by encouraging communication between teachers, scientists, and everyone else involved in European science education.
The journal addresses science teaching both across Europe and across disciplines: highlighting the best in teaching and cutting-edge research. It covers not only biology, physics and chemistry, but also earth sciences, engineering and medicine, focusing on interdisciplinary work.
The contents include teaching materials and projects in science education, up-to-date information on cutting-edge science, interviews with inspiring scientists and teachers, reviews of books and other resources, and many other useful resources for science teachers. Online articles are published in many European languages, but the print version is only in English.
Science in School is published quarterly and is available free on this website; free print copies in English are distributed across Europe. 
Over 800 oral history interviews (over 4000 hours) with the legends of television. These interviews chronicle the birth and growth of American TV History as it evolves. --description modified from Archive of American Television 
An up-to-date reference guide philosophical encyclopedias 
Elementary teachers not only can find lessons and activities at this site, but also guidelines and instructions for writing and developing effective lesson plans. Those guides and links to quick activities can be found under the Lesson Plans tab. 
This site might be the first stop for middle and high school teachers, especially when it comes to planning lessons. From curriculum basics to reviews and assessment, the lesson plans section is set up with a teacher's needs in mind. 
Academy of Achievement is a nonprofit foundation that provides information on biographies, profiles, and interviews from leaders in the arts, business, public service, science and exploration, and sports 
A well-organized "jumpstation" for classical, jazz, and folk music resources on the Web. Provides exceptionally useful links to other reference sites. 
Nutrition resources and EAT RIGHT tips. 
Collection of vintage TV commercials from 1950-1980s collected by Duke University. 
The ACF is a federal agency funding state, terriotry, local, and tribal organizations to provide welfare, child support, child care, Head Start, child welfare services, and other programs related to children and families. 
Provides links for community service opportunities, online activities for kids after school, and homework help. 
Access FREE teacher resources such as Ag Mags online, SMART lessons, ISAT materials, lesson booklets, and more! County Ag Literacy Coordinators throughout the state can get any teacher or pre-service teacher a classroom set of Ag Mags free of charge. 
"a federal public health agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ATSDR serves the public by using the best science, taking responsive public health actions, and providing trusted health information to prevent harmful exposures and diseases related to toxic substances." 
Air monitoring data for criteria pollutants: carbon monozide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, particulate matter, lead. 
Includes biographies of more than 3,600 jazz musicians, along with jazz news, reviews, festivals, interviews, audio downloads, and photos. 
This website gives information concerning all aspects of law such as finding a lawyer, researching a legal topic, and finding journals that relate to a particular topic. 
A list of news sources covering topics and viewpoints that are not commonly covered. 
The national professional society for physician assistants. They work to ensure the professional growth and personal excellence of physician assistants. 
For grades 5 and up, students will find a strong collection of video segments, audio clips, and photos gathered at the History channel's website. 
The voice of dental education with the mission to encourage the dental education community to address the issues that influences the education, research and the delivery of oral health care for the health of the public. 
Complete episodes of select films from PBS documentary series. 
Provides U.S. Census information for population, housing, economic, and geographic data. 
American history lesson plans, activities, and games. 
The American Indian Film Gallery (AIFG) is an online collection of more than 450 historic films by and about Native peoples of the Americas, compiled and digitized by historian J. Fred MacDonald over many years. These films range in date from 1925-2010. Most date to the so-called Golden Age of educational filmmaking, from 1945 to the rise of consumer-grade video equipment in the 1970s. Many of the films from that period were sponsored by industry or governmental agencies. Others were made by independent educational filmmakers. --description from AIFG 
Several hundred early motion pictures. 
"Provides free and open access through the Internet to written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps, and sheet music that document the American experience." [Also see, The Learning Page Website created by the Library of Congress, "designed to help educators use the American Memory Collections to teach history and culture"] 
Links to state nurses associations and allied nursing organizations globally. 
Physics journal allowing access to up-to-date articles on physic research. 
Official Website for APA which is the largest scientific organization in the United States for psychology. 
Reference site on American women. 
Americans United for Separation of Church and State - dedicated to preserving the separation of church and state for the religious freedom in America 
An online version of a textbook on ancient civilizations for grades 5 and up. 
Contains information on ancient history via video, photo, maps, and text. 
Job and industry resources for animal sciences and fisheries careers 
"gateway for job search,
career exploration and school information" 
Authoritative yet accessible, Animals catalogs everything from aardvarks to zebras with special focus on the superlatives that appeal to children: biggest, fastest, strongest, and strangest. Stunning action photography puts our animal neighbors in context and shows them in their natural habitats, interacting with other animals and taking part in amazing migrations, feeding frenzies, and more. 
Online library of company annual reports. 
Topo Maps, Points of Interests and Places to Visit offers topographic maps and photos of over 1.25 million water, land and man-made landmarks in the United States. 
ARC is the online catalog of NARA's nationwide holdings in the Washington, DC area, Regional Archives and Presidential Libraries. If you are planning on taking a trip to look for primary resources, this would be worth checking out. 
Over 800 oral history interviews (over 4000 hours) with the legends of television. These interviews chronicle the birth and growth of American TV History as it evolves. --description modified from Archive of American Television 
Army Bases in the United States - Army Base Directory 
The Art Institute of Chicago is a rich resource for student experiences, for teacher professional development, and for classroom resources that support learning for all developmental ages across all subject areas. 
Explore collections from around the world. Created by Google Cultural Institute. 
A website of articles done by the Associated Press 
The National Education Association dedicated to middle level education. It includes research summaries focused on middle level education. 
This site has links to the Polestar Award, Highsmith Award, Monarch Award, Rebecca Caudill Award, and Abraham Lincoln Award. It also includes information about the Lauretta McCusker, O.P., D.L.S. Professional Development Grant. 
The Monarch is designed to encourage children to read critically and become familiar with children's books, authors and illustrators. The program is open to all K-3 age children in Illinois. 
Provides data submitted by the foremost religion scholars and research centers in the world. Target audience is researchers interested in religion. 
Provides a description of atomic orbitals, a program for drawing orbitals, and a large table of atomic orbitals. 
Free Online Course Materials
Open Courseware provided by MIT 
This program is a great easy to learn resource with a large array of online tutorials to help you in designing your very own 3D models to print. 
This program allows you to import 3D files you may have found or created and combine them with other 3D files or simply sculpt the file you imported. 
Tinkercad is a free, easy-to-use web app that equips the next generation of designers and engineers with the foundational skills for innovation: 3D design, electronics, and coding! It requires setting up a free account. --Taken from publisher 
Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy hosted by Yale Law School. 
Enjoy these stories as you see thousands of hand-selected and relevant pictures, slide-shows, videos, audio-clips, documents and other primary sources linked, in context, where you need them. Great for classroom use! 
Your Paintings is an art resource for all teachers. This blog explains how teachers can now draw on paintings by nearly 20,000 artists, in a wide range of styles, painted over the last 800 years. 
Covers the news from the perspective of Britain. 
BBC provides biographies on famous and notable historical figures. 
Provides primary research, communications tools, printed resources, leadership development for young people, and church facilitation and enhancement. 
This is a list of basic titles, with links to their online versions. All depository libraries are expected to select these titles or make online versions available. List with ONU call numbers. 
Online textbook of NMR concepts. 13 chapters. 
It includes games and activities, and links to other U.S. Government websites for kids. There is also a section for parents and teachers which includes curriculum links and how to use the guide for teaching. 
Created by EdTechTeacher Inc, is an award-winning portal that contains annotated links to over 1200 history web sites as well as links to hundreds of quality K-12 history lesson plans, history teacher guides, history activities, history games, history quizzes, and more. 
An alliance of ministries dedicated to spreading the Gospel over the Internet. 
Links on Math, How-To, Research Resources, and Miscellaneous. Maintained by Bill Stallings, text-book author 
Search anywhere in the world. Get directions to places as well. 
consortium of natural history and botanical libraries that cooperate to digitize and make accessible the legacy literature of biodiversity held in their collections and to make that literature available for open access and responsible use as a part of a global "biodiversity commons." More than 45,000 documents in English. 
Biographical information of people who have served in the U.S. Congress 
Agnes Scott College illustrates the achievements of women in the field of mathematics, and their biographies. 
This website offers researchers a wide variety of biographies from the past to the present. The site provides text, audio, and video. 
This website offers researchers a wide variety of biographies from the past to the present. The site provides text, audio, and video. 
Design your own cartoon characters, write dialogue, and create online comic strips to teach students any number of subjects and topics. 
Design your own cartoon characters, write dialogue, and create online comic strips to teach students any number of subjects and topics. 
Design your own cartoon characters, write dialogue, and create online comic strips to teach students any number of subjects and topics. 
Over 1,500 biographical and other encyclopedia entries, full-text transcripts of speeches, and links to digital archives dating back to the 18th century. 
Bloomberg's up-to-date financial and market news. 
Provides topographic maps from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 
Create and publish ebooks to the iBooks Store or Google Play Store 
Book retrieval service is available when access to the stacks is closed. Trained circulation staff will assist with finding and retrieving books from the regular stacks for checkout in the Lower Level.
Reference books may also be accessed with the assistance of Circulation but are limited to use in the Lower Level, not the Fishbowl. Reference books may not be checked out.
Interlibrary loans that are processed and available for pick-up will be retrieved from the Circulation desk for checkout in the lower level upon patron request.
 Book Verdict, the new home for hundreds of thousands of expert reviews from the most trusted voices in the library community, updated on a weekly basis. Browse over 300,000 reviews of books and media from Library Journal, School Library Journal, Horn Book Magazine and Horn Book Guide including starred reviews, Best lists and Junior Library Guild selections all in one place using this powerful collection development resource. 
Short movies for teaching various subjects. 
Short movies for teaching various subjects. 
Short movies for teaching various subjects. 
Short movies for teaching various subjects. 
Archive of history of over 80,000 videos of filmed history - mostly British. 
Guide to EPA websites recommended by subject experts 
Is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decisionmaking through research and analysis. 
Provides funding, training, technical assistance, and information to States and communities in support of innovative programs to improve and strengthen the Nation's criminal justice system. 
The statistical arm of the U.S. Department of Justice, responsible for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data related to criminal 
The Bureau of Justice Statistics' - (BJS) Corrections Unit maintains over 30 data collections. Most are annual collections of administrative data from correctional administrators, ranging from basic population counts and offender demographic characteristics to facility capacity, programs, staff, and resources. 
The Bureau of Justice Statistics' - (BJS) Corrections Unit maintains over 30 data collections. Most are annual collections of administrative data from correctional administrators, ranging from basic population counts and offender demographic characteristics to facility capacity, programs, staff, and resources. 
Here you will find free downloadable templates for designing pin-back style buttons in various design programs including Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. The free button design templates for Photoshop are especially cool because they are set up to precisely fill a page for letter size printing using the Fill with Pattern feature in Photoshop. --taken from vendor's site 
Computer Access to Research on Dietary Supplements (CARDS) Database. 
Graphical representations of Internet and Web electronic territories 
CDC information on new field in Psychology 
The National Center for Health Statistics' website is a rich source of information about America's health. The FastStats site linking from their homepage is very useful. It provides quick access to statistics on topics of public health importance and is organized alphabetically. Links are provided to publications that include the statistics presented, to sources of more data, and to related web pages. 
The National Center for Health Statistics' website is a rich source of information about America's health. The FastStats site linking from their homepage is very useful. It provides quick access to statistics on topics of public health importance and is organized alphabetically. Links are provided to publications that include the statistics presented, to sources of more data, and to related web pages. 
The National Center for Health Statistics' website is a rich source of information about America's health. The FastStats site linking from their homepage is very useful. It provides quick access to statistics on topics of public health importance and is organized alphabetically. Links are provided to publications that include the statistics presented, to sources of more data, and to related web pages. 
"Contains direct links to NCEH data resources, programs and campaigns, publications and products, emergency response, and training." From Choice Reviews Feb. 2006. 
CNN Student News is a ten-minute, commercial-free, daily news program for middle and high school students produced by the journalists and educators at CNN. This award-winning show and its companion website are available free of charge throughout the school year. 
Since 1994, OPS has used funding opportunities and innovative problem-solving programs to help the Nation's law enforcement agencies implement a locally defined vision of community policing. 
The well-known ministry to college and university students. 
This video warns students about the risks associated with illegally downloading and sharing music files. 
This brochure from Swank Motion Pictures provides great information that you need to read before showing a movie. 
While the ILL department will attempt to fill your request, There is no guarantee that it will be filled.
Points to consider before requesting:
Few libraries purchase textbooks and even fewer have the most recent editions. When libraries do purchase textbooks, they usually reserve them for campus-use only and do not lend them to other libraries. Moreover, the high demand for textbooks means that the few library copies that can be borrowed are likely to be checked out.
If we are able to borrow a copy, it usually comes from out-of-state libraries and may take 1-2 weeks to arrive.
You will not be able to keep the book for the whole semester. Due dates are set by the lending library, not by ONU. Loan periods are usually between three and six weeks.
ILL books are subject to immediate recall, so you could have to give the book back at any time.
We recommend buying or renting your textbooks when possible. You can also ask your instructor to place a copy in course reserves. 
Faculty may request a library iproxy account so that research assistants can request and check out interlibrary loan materials on their behalf. Faculty maintain responsibility for these materials. 
Distant education grads may request delivery of ILL books to their home by using the drop-down option in the IShare request, and selecting the “Mail: Online Students Only” option. Students will be responsible for the cost of returning the book to ONU. 
Classroom and reader's theater guides for books by Candace Fleming. 
Classroom and reader's theater guides for books by Candace Fleming. 
Bureau of Labor Statistics overview by Industry 
Take this 30-question interest assessment to get your Holland score. View jobs that fit your strengths, based on level of education required.(O*Net, US Dept. of Labor) 
"Find the tool you need to research career information, training, or jobs" (Us Dept. of Labor) 
Search by a job title or browse the list of occupations. Check wage data by zip code or state. 
Career information on Physics Jobs, Becoming a Physicist, and Career guidance, provided by APS Physics. 
Career information on Physics Jobs, Becoming a Physicist, and Career guidance, provided by APS Physics. 
Career information from real people in the field of Botany 
Council for Christian Colleges and Universities source for careers in Christian Higher Education. 
This site is an excellent resource for presenting quality literature. It includes reviews, and activities that relate to the titles. It also suggests related titles and web links! 
This website provides great resources for math and science curriculum for K-12. Kits, eBooks, and other resources are available for purchase. 
A business education site created by Harvard with lists of blogs, videos, books, etc. that deal with business. 
"Provides a full list of all Federal programs available to State and local governments." 
"Provides a full list of all Federal programs available to State and local governments." 
"Provides a full list of all Federal programs available to State and local governments." 
Resources available from ethics centers around the globe compiled by Wheaton College. 
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) is focused on promoting the social emotional development and school readiness of young children birth to age 5. CSEFEL is a national resource center funded by the Office of Head Start and Child Care Bureau for disseminating research and evidence-based practices to early childhood programs across the country. 
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) is focused on promoting the social emotional development and school readiness of young children birth to age 5. CSEFEL is a national resource center funded by the Office of Head Start and Child Care Bureau for disseminating research and evidence-based practices to early childhood programs across the country. 
For each of the Health & Safety Topics and the specific groups listed on the homepage, there is very specific information and statistics for every topic. An in-depth and useful resource! 
Home page for Centers for disease control and prevention. 
For each of the Health & Safety Topics and the specific groups listed on the homepage, there is very specific information and statistics for every topic. An in-depth and useful resource! 
For each of the Health & Safety Topics and the specific groups listed on the homepage, there is very specific information and statistics for every topic. An in-depth and useful resource! 
Home page for Centers for disease control and prevention. 
Can search site by name, molecular formula, or CAS number; gives a structure in addition to several physical properties such as foulard weight, melting point, boiling 
This website can be used to do various calculations related to chemistry, such as molar conversions and balancing chemical equations 
"Chemistry World is the print and online magazine of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the largest organisation in Europe for advancing the chemical sciences. With news, features, opinion, podcasts and the latest job advertisements, it's the best way to keep up to date with the global chemical sciences community." 
Career information from Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook 
provides information on careers, wages, education, and industry outlook (US Department of Labor) 
A continuously updated, multidisciplinary database of nearly 10,000 resources including journal articles, books, research reports, grey literature, government documents, and more. 
A continuously updated, multidisciplinary database of nearly 10,000 resources including journal articles, books, research reports, grey literature, government documents, and more. 
This site is an excellent resource for presenting quality literature. It includes reviews, and activities that relate to the titles. It also suggests related titles and web links! 
This site contains links to lesson plans and resources for children's literature (grades K-6). Hundreds of lesson plans organized alphabetically by title or by genre. 
This site contains links to lesson plans and resources for children's literature (grades K-6). Hundreds of lesson plans organized alphabetically by title or by genre. 
This is part of the Group Publishing website family. It is from the same people who publish Children's Ministry Magazine and provides resources from 
This website provides statistics and reports on families, children, health issues, economic issues, and many other issues that plague the American family. 
This website provides statistics and reports on families, children, health issues, economic issues, and many other issues that plague the American family. 
This website provides statistics and reports on families, children, health issues, economic issues, and many other issues that plague the American family. 
This website provides statistics and reports on families, children, health issues, economic issues, and many other issues that plague the American family. 
A Guide to Christian Resources on the Internet. 
Contains more than 226,000 pages of public-domain newspapers from California, Florida, Kentucky, New York, Utah, Virginia and the District of Columbia published between 1900 and 1910. 
Early Christian Writings. Contains links to most church fathers. Has links to multiple translations of some. 
"A unique collection of sources documenting the history and life of the Church of the Nazarene. Its materials form a vital link in the church's collective memory. Its historical collections are international in scope and document many facets of Nazarene life, including religious practices, higher education, cross-cultural ministry and mission, music, congregational and district life, church publications, and social ministries." 
Nazarene history, beliefs, churches and missions. 
Duties include handling phone and desk reception at the Circulation desk of the library, assisting patrons as needed, checking-out and checking-in library materials on the computer, accepting fine payments on patron accounts, checking the order of books for accurate placement, re-shelving materials, sending faxes and other general office duties. Additional responsibilities may include opening and closing of the building.
 Family issues in policy and culture sponsored by Focus on the Family 
City Technology has many valuable resources for both kids and educators. Their goal is to engage children in exploring the designed world, and in designing new things themselves. 
Primary sources and other educational materials from libraries, archives, museums, public broadcasters, and others on a national scale about the Civil Rights era --description modified from Civil Rights Digital Library 
For grades 5 and up, more than 7,000 digitized photographs are available through the Library of Congress. A search box provides access by name, topic, and keyword. A valuable resource for students looking for firsthand visual content. 
Smithsonian Institution collection including multimedia selections 
College newspapers by state. 
Teachers who work with English as a Second Language learners will find ESL/ESOL/ELL/EFL reading/writing skill-building children's books, stories, activities, ideas, strategies to help PreK-3, 4-8, and 9-12 students learn to read. 
The Subcommittee is responsible for authorizing legislation for the Office of National Drug Control Policy (also concerned with Criminal Justice) 
A free online plan book designed to help educators align their lesson plans with CC standards. This resource keeps track of your class schedule and creates a class page for homework. Features include adding links, documents, and pictures to homework within plans, automatic e-mail option, and drag & drop planning for quick changes. 
Bureau of Labor Statistics - United States Department of Labor - Occupational Outlook Handbook 
Occupational Employment and Wages, 2009. National employment estimates for computer scientist careers. 
United States Department of Labor - Bureau of Labor Statistics - Occupational Outlook Handbook 
The job outlook for computer and information research scientists is 15 percent, higher than average. They invent and design new approaches to computing technologies. 
Concept to Classroom: A Series of Workshops provides the teacher with free workshops over "hot" topics such as assessment, cooperative and collaborative learning, etc. 
Contact page on the Congress page allowing you to email members of congress. 
Contact page on the Congress page allowing you to email members of congress. 
There are many instances where you may need to enlarge an image, be it a web image that you need to print for a project or a low quality digital photograph that you would like printed onto canvas or photographic paper for display purposes. --Taken from website 
Consumer Action Handbook Information Website 
Convert pixels to inches and vice versa. 
Build your own cookie cutter to print on a 3D printer. 
Where you can get permission to reproduce copyrighted content such as articles and book chapters in your journals, photocopies, coursepacks, library reserves, Websites, email and more. 
You may be able to ethically include more protected material in your course than you suspect. Contact Benner Library's copyright expert, Judson Strain, J.D., MLIS, to discuss whether your intended use of protected material may be acceptable under Fair Use guidelines without requesting publisher permissions.
Copyright Policies, Tools, and FAQ.
Permission Request Form. 
This electronic collection provides American citizens direct online access to the basic Federal Government documents that define our democratic society. These titles contain information which is vital to the democratic process and critical to an informed electorate. They support the public's right to know about the essential activities of their Government. 
Core list for an environmental reference collection 
Offers links to resources tailored for secondary school students and educators, with possible interest for elementary and middle school teachers. 
"the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents. CEC advocates for appropriate governmental policies, sets professional standards, provides professional development, advocates for individuals with exceptionalities, and helps professionals obtain conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice." 
Library Reserves is a service offered at the Circulation Desk for setting aside print resources for a specific academic course. Items are processed at the request of the course instructor and must either be owned by Benner Library or the faculty member. Loans are set up for one semester, one academic year, or permanent course reserve (with annual confirmation).
To ensure all students have access to the materials, professors choose a restricted loan period of 2 hours, 2 days, 7 days, or 14 days. For more information, or to set up Course Reserves, contact Kirsten Lathrop, the Circulation Supervisor. 
Covid-19 (Coronavirus)INFECTIOUS DISEASE articles. Free from 
Covid-19 (Coronavirus)INFECTIOUS DISEASE articles. Free from 
This website provides creative crafts, ideas, and supplies that can be integrated into the everyday classroom. 
100% free, non-commercial website that offers information on a variety of criminal justice careers. 
From the website's "About" page: " was created as an online informational resource for individuals looking to pursue criminology-related education and careers. We cover various topics ranging from what you can do with an criminology degree, links to related resources, and information about this specific field within the job market." 
Ten things to look for when you evaluate an information source. 
Great tools for training on communication: Tools for talking when stakes are high: videos, Assessment "style under stress", roll plays 
The mission of this web site resource is to enhance the instructional program improvement of career and technical education (CTE) programs throughout Illinois by aligning lessons with the Illinois Learning Standards, content-specific National Standards, Workplace Skills, and Occupational Skills Standards. 
Create lesson plans on a variety of topics integrating multimedia right from the site. 
Check out TeacherVision's DK Instant Expert, our teaching guides for the interactive whiteboard. Read the DK reference books entirely online, then share what you've learned with your students using motivational mini-lessons featuring colorful PowerPoint slideshows and extension activities that engage students' creativity. 
From the (Chicago) Federal Reserve 
Find data about the U.S., such as maps and population, demographic, and economic data. 
Find data about the U.S., such as maps and population, demographic, and economic data. 
Provides over 13,000 maps from the private map collector David Rumsey's library. 
Career resources from the Department of Mathematics at Purdue University 
CDC Developmental Milestones (age 2-months to 5-years). 
Indexes on-line dictionaries and thesauruses. 
Indexes on-line dictionaries and thesauruses. 
Resources and research on dietary supplements provided by 
"Excerpts from the PE Central Book, Teachers Survival Guide Book, by Dr. Christine Stopka" 
Mayan and Roman archeology games. 
Access to digital collections of primary sources on the history of American women. 
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission outlines their stance on avoiding discrimination in the workplace 
Search the biographies of women who have distinguished themselves in our history. From writers to civil rights crusaders to politicians, etc. 
"The Division for Early Childhood was started in 1973 by a group of volunteers who cared deeply about the development of young children with special needs. DEC is one of 17 divisions of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), the largest professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents."
Advocating for individuals who work with or on behalf of children with special needs, birth through age 8 
"The Division for Early Childhood was started in 1973 by a group of volunteers who cared deeply about the development of young children with special needs. DEC is one of 17 divisions of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), the largest professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents."
Advocating for individuals who work with or on behalf of children with special needs, birth through age 8 
Resources, research and publications on physical activity, nutrition and obesity. 
Do2learn provides thousands of pages of social skills and behavioral regulation activities and guidance, learning songs and games, communication cards, academic material, and transition guides for employment and life skills. 
ONU ILL services are free to all current Olivet students. Faculty and staff. 
The Doing What Works website of the U.S. Department of Education helps educators identify and use effective teaching practices. If features interviews with experts, sample materials users can download, and videos and interviews from schools successfully implementing research-based practices. 
"A searchable database of FDA-approved brand name and generic drugs" 
This National Endowment for the Humanities site offers a variety of lesson plans by grade level and subject in the areas of art and culture; literature and language arts; foreign language; and history and social studies. 
This National Endowment for the Humanities site offers a variety of lesson plans by grade level and subject in the areas of art and culture; literature and language arts; foreign language; and history and social studies. 
This National Endowment for the Humanities site offers a variety of lesson plans by grade level and subject in the areas of art and culture; literature and language arts; foreign language; and history and social studies. 
Chemical details from EPA and other sources 
Chemical data from EPA toxicology databases that cover aquatic life, terrestrial plants, and terrestrial wildlife 
The Ecological Society of America information on getting careers and certification in the field of Ecology. 
Envisat, the world's largest and most advanced satellite, has provided scientists with invaluable information for global surveillance and forecasting since it was launched by European Space Agency in 2002. 
Top 100 athletes of the 20th century and their biographies. 
Information about GRE, GMAT, TOEFL and other ETS tests. 
The EVIA Digital Archive Project is a joint effort of Indiana University and the University of Michigan to establish a digital archive of ethnographic video for use by scholars and instructors. Media in the EVIA Project consists of video collections that have been selected for inclusion by an editorial committee, and annotations have gone through a scholarly review process. The content of the Archive represents the culmination of preservation, annotation, and editorial work. The Archive is designed to be a long-term preservation repository for unedited ethnographic video recordings as well as a unique kind of peer-reviewed scholarly publication. In each collection, scholars have worked extensively with their own recordings to describe and analyze what they have documented. The growth of the content is ongoing, with collections in various stages of completion. To learn more about collections that are part of the EVIA Digital Archive Project, visit the Collections area. --Description taken from EVIA Digital Archive webpage 
Early Learning Guidelines (Birth to 3) & Early Learning & Developmental Standards (Preschool) 
Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Contains links to most of the material in ANF and NPNF (most material can be downloaded. 
Early Christian Writings. Contains links to most church fathers. Has links to multiple translations of some. 
Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Contains links to most of the material in ANF and NPNF (most material can be downloaded. 
"The Early Intervention Training Program at the University of Illinois provides training opportunities for early intervention professionals in Illinois. Funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services Bureau of Early Intervention, our mission is to develop a system that is regionalized, responsive and reflective of best practice in the field of early intervention in Illinois." 
The Physical and Life Sciences Directorate provides links to websites and articles that deal with areas of Earth Science. 
Includes many of the maps from the UC Berkeley libraries. 
Spice up classroom notes and assignments using! Create infographics for and with your students to provide a memorable and visually interesting project. 
The secure social networking site Edmodo allows you to communicate online with your students in a safe environment. You can post assignments and test notifications, create polls, award grades, etc.; students can check homework due-dates, find test dates, exchange ideas with classmates, and more. Register your classroom and your students, then invite parents if you'd like. 
Subject Guide page for Education for Benner Library. 
Secondary Education Resource - Watch fun & engaging lessons taught by world-class educators. When ready, pass an exam and earn real college credit that is accepted by 2,900 colleges. Use to CLEP out of Gen-Ed requirements and save money! 
Education World is chock full of information for educators and administrators. In the Lesson Planning section, teachers can find timely and continuously updated lesson plans, as well as worksheets and other printables. 
Education World is chock full of information for educators and administrators. In the Lesson Planning section, teachers can find timely and continuously updated lesson plans, as well as worksheets and other printables. 
Education World is chock full of information for educators and administrators. In the Lesson Planning section, teachers can find timely and continuously updated lesson plans, as well as worksheets and other printables. 
Education World is chock full of information for educators and administrators. In the Lesson Planning section, teachers can find timely and continuously updated lesson plans, as well as worksheets and other printables. 
Education World is chock full of information for educators and administrators. In the Lesson Planning section, teachers can find timely and continuously updated lesson plans, as well as worksheets and other printables. 
The site has lesson planning ideas, professional development learning material, ideas and concerns for administrators, ideas for integrating technology, and articles about school issues. 
Information on different teaching positions, from degree requirements to pay to job growth. 
From Ohio State University; flashcard decks are provided for various organic reactions, simply click on a reaction type and flip through the flashcards. 
Enchanted Learning produces children's educational web sites and online curriculum which are designed to capture the imagination while maximizing creativity, learning, and enjoyment. 
An index to master recordings and published discs made by Victor Talking Machine Company beginning in the 1900's. 
Be able to search for engineering jobs by different engineering disciplines and find jobs located all over the U.S. and Canada. 
Links to Job Listings (The Riley Guide) 
BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook provides information on careers in Engineering. 
BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook provides information on careers in Engineering. 
Policy for enforcement of EPA's waste management and emergency response programs 
BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook on Environmental Scientists and Specialists 
BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook on Environmental Scientists and Specialists 
Enzyme database funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research 
A guide to coping with problem foods in public. 
This government agency provides information for applicants, employees, employers, and small businesses. 
Biographies of scientific figures in the fields of astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, and physics. 
This site deals with standards of ethical conduct for federal employees. The NIH Ethics Program includes the central NIH Ethics Office and the individual ethics programs in each Institute and Center (IC). 
A catalog of more than 6700 languages spoken in 228 countries. 
A catalog of more than 6700 languages spoken in 228 countries. 
Western European Primary Historical Documents. 
Glossary, tutorials, evidence maps, and more from The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). 
"The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) values evidence based practice (EBP) as a way to affect best patient care.
EBP integrates the best available evidence to guide nursing care and improve patient outcomes. This helps health practitioners address health care questions with an evaluative and qualitative approach." 
Glossary, tutorials, evidence maps, and more from The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). 
Glossary, tutorials, evidence maps, and more from The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). 
"ExceleRate Illinois is a statewide quality recognition and improvement system designed to make continuous quality improvement an everyday priority among early learning providers. The program establishes standards for helping infants, toddlers and preschool age children develop intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally. It provides a framework for early learning professionals to identify opportunities for improvement, increase their skills and take steps to make positive changes." 
Sign in, you'll receive emails every day with interesting, informative, thought provoking and insightful articles. 
Contacts for answering questions about environmental issues in Region 5 
The U.S. Government Export Portal 
Publication for parents whose children spend unmonitored time on the Internet from the FBI 
"The Vault is (the FBI's) new electronic reading room, containing more than 3,000 documents that have been scanned from paper into digital copies so you can read them in the comfort of your home or office." 
"The Vault is (the FBI's) new electronic reading room, containing more than 3,000 documents that have been scanned from paper into digital copies so you can read them in the comfort of your home or office." 
"The Vault is (the FBI's) new electronic reading room, containing more than 3,000 documents that have been scanned from paper into digital copies so you can read them in the comfort of your home or office." 
Using the Uniform Crime Reports, this expanded offense data offers trends, rates, weapons, and more for each offense listed. Each specific includes several tables to represent this data. 
Using the Uniform Crime Reports, this expanded offense data offers trends, rates, weapons, and more for each offense listed. Each specific includes several tables to represent this data. 
Using the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, search for information on specific violent crimes or by one of the 11 options (such as national data, universities and colleges, & population group). There are also 25 data tables to visually represent this material. 
Using the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, search for information on specific violent crimes or by one of the 11 options (such as national data, universities and colleges, & population group). There are also 25 data tables to visually represent this material. 
Technical reviews of media related matters. 
Free electronic access to a wealth of important information products produced by the Federal Government.... The official, published version and the information retrieved from GPO Access can be used without restriction, unless specifically noted. Browse by branch of government or select a topic. 
A comprehensive index to Federal Reserve economic research. 
An analysis of the Fortune 500 companies by industries, countries, new arrivals, and more. 
Fact Monster is a free reference site for students, teachers, and parents. Get homework help and find facts on thousands of subjects. 
This site breaks down difficult medical information for the consumer, on all issues such as insurance, physicians and prescriptions that consumers invest time and money into. 
This site breaks down difficult medical information for the consumer, on all issues such as insurance, physicians and prescriptions that consumers invest time and money into. 
"Children's Home Society of California has created a series of Family Education Brochures that assists parents and other caregivers with the common concerns of physical well-being, emotional well-being, and parenting strategies. Available free of charge, the brochures cover topics such as Positive Discipline, School Readiness, and When a Child Bites." 
The FRC monitors public policy in Washington DC as it pertains to the family 
Be able to look up famous people's birthdays in the past and present. 
This collection is a repository of digital facsimiles of historic agricultural newspapers published in the United States. 
New Advent. Contains links to most of the material in ANF and NPNF. 
New Advent. Contains links to most of the material in ANF and NPNF. 
Search engine of all government sites and resources. 
A list of the departments and agencies that are part of the executive branch. There are links for more information for each department and agency. 
A list of all courts in the Judicial branch and links for more information for the Supreme, Lower, Special Courts. 
Links to pages of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives and agencies that that work with Congress. 
Premier source of economic and financial statistics. includes banking statistics. Over 2,900 data sets. Downloadable text and excel files. Link for educators ( 
Provides "access to recreation-related information generated by the Federal government" 
A complete list of filings and forms companies are required to file through EDGAR. 
A discovery tool created for chamber musicians of all skill levels. Although there is an emphasis on contemporary works, all time periods of chamber music are represented in the database. 
Source to learn about different laws. 
Daily newspapers are available in the BROWSE area on the main level. Newspapers are held 1-3 months, depending on the title, and stored in tech services, available upon request at the Circulation Desk. News journals and magazines, (Time, Newsweek, etc.), are kept different amounts of time, based on historical value and use. Some are hard bound every year. They are shelved in Lower Level Periodicals with some titles first displaying the newest issue in the BROWSE area on the main level of the library. 
Teachers and students alike can create on-screen flashcards to test vocabulary, math equations, foreign languages, and more. Test your students' knowledge in class, or encourage them to use the flashcards for homework. 
Technology for teachers Flubaroo is a free tool that helps you quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments. It has the capability to compute average assignment score and average score per question, flag low-scoring questions, show a grade distribution graph, and it gives the option to email each student their grade and answer key. 
Offers over five million military records, documents and stories. A wealth of primary source documents, provided in partnership with the National Archives and the Library of Congress. 
Government document describing various agencies involved in food safety and their roles 
For Health Care Professionals 
Forms and publications for current and prior years. 
Design and edit online with Fotor. 
A list of news articles and videos covered by Fox News. 
Free Arts and Crafts Resources for Home Learning 
Download royalty free photos and illustrations for websites, newspapers, magazines, video and TV productions, iPhone applications, PowerPoint presentations, forums, blogs and school work. is made up of 132230 images with 182 sections organized into 3630 categories. 
Hundreds of free kids games, puzzles, activities, coloring pages, clip art & more for children, families, parents, teachers. We also have free online games, puzzles and kids printables in the kids games & activities sections! New educational and fun games, activities and printables added on a regular basis for kids, schools and family fun. 
Free Online Poster Creator - Custom Posters Templates 
Design custom posters using Canva's drag and drop poster maker. 
Powerpoint templates for printing research projects on posters 
The website that donates rice via the World Food Programme for every right answer, Free Rice version 2.0 features 15 different topics for testing, including multiplication tables, Spanish language learning, and flags of the world. 
Sound clips that are available free for you to download. 
Resources for sale. "Whether at home, school, or out in the world, all kids face challenges in their lives. No matter how many choices, changes, and opportunities young people encounter, Free Spirit has had the same mission for more than 30 years: to provide children and teens, and the adults who care for and about them with the tools they need to think for themselves, overcome challenges, and make a difference in the world." 
Resources for sale. "Whether at home, school, or out in the world, all kids face challenges in their lives. No matter how many choices, changes, and opportunities young people encounter, Free Spirit has had the same mission for more than 30 years: to provide children and teens and the adults who care for and about them with the tools they need to think for themselves, overcome challenges, and make a difference in the world." 
A teacher can create their own worksheets for vocabulary words and math. There are also worksheets already created for a variety of subjects: art, business, four out of the five core curriculum subjects, technology, health and languages. 
A teacher can create their own worksheets for vocabulary words and math. There are also worksheets already created for a variety of subjects: art, business, four out of the five core curriculum subjects, technology, health and languages. 
Free resources and lesson plans for teaching with technology. 
- Beautiful views of the Quad from second and third-floors
- Board games to play in the Library
- Books to borrow for academic pursuits and leisure
- Computers
- Friendly staff
- Full text articles & ebooks
- Events & displays
- Magazines & newspapers
- Puzzle
- Research help
- Reservable spaces
- Restrooms
- Small office/craft supplies to use in the Library: colored pencils, markers, stapler, scissors, etc.
For grades 4 and up, the web companion to Joy Hakim's A History of US series, also produced as a 2003 PBS series, provides quick links to images, sound clips, and source notes to complement clearly written overviews of nine Civil War topics. Teacher guides are provided for each of the segments. 
Frequently asked questions about EPA and various environmental topics 
(search by title or browse by subject) 
ETS offers a variety of free and low-cost tools to help you prepare for the GRE revised General Test 
GRE Verbal Reasoning
Davis, April Michelle, author.
"Prepare for the GRE with targeted practice and professional insight 1,001 GRE Practice Questions For Dummies is your comprehensive guide to preparing for the GRE. Our test prep gurus lead you through questions designed to parallel the Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections of the exam, and provide advice and guidance for improving skills on the Analytical Writing portion of the test. Each practice question includes the answer, along with step-by-step instruction and detailed narratives that explain the best approach." 
Empirical evidence about the world's 7 billion citizens. 
Gallup delivers analytics and advice to help leaders and organizations solve their most pressing problems.Surveys regarding: attitudes and behaviors of employees, customers, students and citizens. 
Gallup delivers analytics and advice to help leaders and organizations solve their most pressing problems.Surveys regarding: attitudes and behaviors of employees, customers, students and citizens. 
"Committed to helping athletes optimize their health and performance through research and education in hydration and nutrition science." 
This resource provides consumer information about genetic conditions and the genes or chromosomes associated with those conditions. 
This resource provides consumer information about genetic conditions and the genes or chromosomes associated with those conditions. 
This resource provides consumer information about genetic conditions and the genes or chromosomes associated with those conditions. 
Occupational Outlook Handbook gives career information for Geoscientists and Hydrologists. 
Occupational Outlook Handbook gives career information for Geoscientists and Hydrologists. 
Getty Images manages rights through content licensing for more than a quarter million photographers, videographers, illustrators and musicians.non-watermarked images. 
A poetry site for children. Provides ideas for teaching poetry and poems to use in the classroom. 
The Global Invasive Species Database is a free, online database managed by the Invasive Species Specialist Group of the Species Survival Commission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (CH, Sep'11, 49-0255). The site emphasizes "invasive alien species that threaten native biodiversity and covers all taxonomic groups from micro-organisms to animals and plants in all ecosystems." The goal is to increase public awareness and to facilitate prevention and management activities of invasive species for a broad audience. The database covers 800-plus species in over 250 countries, with content continually added by expert contributors. 
News about health advancements around the world. 
Create Glogs: "interactive visual platform in which users create a poster or web page containing multimedia elements including: text, audio, video, images, graphics, drawings, and data." Students can use these Glogs for book reports, digital posters, homework, etc.; you can use Glogs for lesson preparation, presentations, distance teaching, and more. 
Structures and formulas for numerous organic compounds and reactive intermediates 
Features the Digital Dozen, 13 outstanding Internet sites each month, and the Innovator of the Month, spotlight on a noteworthy educator. 
This site can help find any book a teacher may be seeking. There is an advanced book search included to help you find it. 
Search anywhere in the world as well as directions. 
Help your students become better searchers. Site includes many lesson plans and activities for the classroom. 
Provides information on government loans 
A broad, well-oranized source for government documents. 
A student in this position will perform the following duties:
- Process documents: unpack and prepare items to be put in collection and shelved
- Shelve: place print material on shelf; file material in other formats (CDs, microfiche)
- Maintenance: make government issues changes in depository numbers on documents; keep collection orderly; create new space as needed by shifting items
- Weed: following instructions of Gov. Docs. Supervisor, send weeded titles to listserv, track responses, complete Transfer slips, remove items from collection
- Cataloging: update holdings in OCLC WorldCat and correct bibliographic records in Voyager system for print items
- Train: train students in BL-GOVDCS1 position to process, shelve, weed items
- Special projects
Watch for library job openings on My Olivet under Student Support --> Career Services --> On Campus Jobs. Use the Student Job Application link in the footer of any page on the library website. Please read the form carefully when filling it out. It is important to fill out all applicable fields as completely as possible with proper grammar and punctuation.
 Bureau of Labor Statistics employment information for Graphic Designers. 
A how to bird watching site with resources. 
Online resource of the Greek Interlinear Bible of the New Testament 
"A searchable database of FDA-approved brand name and generic drugs" 
"'s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations." 
"The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is the lead Federal agency charged with improving the safety and quality of America's health care system. AHRQ develops the knowledge, tools, and data needed to improve the health care system and help Americans, health care professionals, and policymakers make informed health decisions." 
Provides positive resources for Christian living, including articles, inspirational art, RealAudio music and speeches, chat opportunities, links and more. 
Extensive links to resources for learning HTML and web publishing 
Contains more than 800 maps from the sixteenth century through the early twentieth century. 
$6.95 charge per user required for Copyright compliance. 
Virtual collections of thematically linked material selected from numerous Harvard repositories 
Headphones are available for use within the library. They can be checked out at the Lower Level Service Desk using your Tiger Card for two hours. Both analog and USB headphones are available.
This service is available during all library openings. Ask a library assistant for help. 
Read about symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention for over 900 diseases, illnesses, health conditions and wellness issues. MedlinePlus health topics are regularly reviewed, and links are updated daily. 
Contains links to up-to-date consumer health information from the National Institutes of Health 
Online resource of the Hebrew Interlinear Bible of the Old Testament 
Over 600 links to youth ministry-related resources. 
Collections from the Historic American Buildings Survey, the Historic American Engineering Record, and the Historic American Landscape Survey, that contains digital images of more than 556,900 measured drawings, photographs, history pages, and supplemental materials on more than 38,600 historic structures and sites from Pre-Columbian times to the 20th century. 
Collections from the Historic American Buildings Survey, the Historic American Engineering Record, and the Historic American Landscape Survey, that contains digital images of more than 556,900 measured drawings, photographs, history pages, and supplemental materials on more than 38,600 historic structures and sites from Pre-Columbian times to the 20th century. 
A non profit organization dedicated to the history of computing with the goal of preserving the history of computers in the widest meaning of the word. 
"World’s largest society dedicated to understanding science, technology, medicine, and their interactions with society in historical context." 1. Isis features topical articles and book reviews. 2. Osiris is an annual publication which focuses on a single theme, bringing together original articles by noted and emerging scholars. 3. Quarterly Newsletter provides insights on the profession and news on jobs, conferences, and other professional activities. 
An excellent teacher resource for history-related content areas. 
Technology for teachers Hohli Online Charts Builder lets you create 14 different styles of charts, including pie, bar, line, and scatter formats. A great resource! 
Links for patients to medical research. 
Links for patients to medical research. 
Links for patients to medical research. 
A source for searching government information. 
Includes over 1,700 items by or to Jefferson. Created by the University of Virginia 
The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, is the "largest private nonprofit" oceanographic institution in the world. Its well-designed website provides a guide to WHOI's research activities, staff, ships, and educational programs. 
Info on E-Rate, home satellite dishes and FCC news. 
All of the information needed on the NSA, ranging from blogs to the latest news or tips for doing taxes. 
Video files produced by the DOE National Laboratories, other DOE research facilities, and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). U.S. Department of Energy 
Programs, statistics and Websites for Federal transportation agencies and issues. 
Nonprofit organization committed to furthering the education in engineering and engineering technology by promoting research, public service, and instruction. 
Words of Hope daily devotional. 
HotChalk's Lesson Plans Page offers more than 4,000 free lesson plans that you can access by selecting a subject, recent additions, seasonal lessons, or by searching for specific topics. provides free online teacher tools and thousands of additional teacher resources. 
"Lists the chemical ingredients found in common household products" 
Demonstration of how to fold corners when stretching your own canvases. 
Log into your library account and look under Pending Requests.. You are welcome to contact the interlibrary loan office for more information. 
Articles pdfs will be sent to your ONU email. We do not send to personal emails. 
For articles: If working in a database, use the check for full text links first to make sure the article fulltext is not available. If not, click on the “Request this item (ILL)” link to request.
For books: You can place requests from the WorldCat catalog 
The loan period is determined by the lending library and is usually between three and six weeks. One renewal for two additional weeks may be requested before the due date subject to the lending library’s approval. Instructions to renew are printed an every slip placed in the item upon checkout. 
Factors that affect delivery time include the number of libraries that own the item, the demand for the material, and the distance of the supplying library from ONU. Articles arrive in an average of 1-3 calendar days and books arrive in an average of 8 calendar days, but your request may take more or less time. We cannot guarantee the arrival date of any item and suggest that you place your requests well ahead of any deadlines. 
Books not renewed in 29 days from due date will incur a replacement fee from the lender. 
Video programs on how our states were formed. 
You tube video for beginners 
page includes infographics, links to quizzes, and instructional text. 
Tutorial from Walden University on how to navigate ebooks from this company. 
How to write a scientific abstract in six easy steps 
How to write a scientific abstract in six easy steps 
We will send you an email when your item arrives. Articles and book chapters are usually delivered as pdfs. Books should be picked up promptly at the ONU library circulation desk in order to make use of the entire loan period. 
International Children's Digital Library aims to make the best in children's literature from around the world available free on the web. It includes nearly 5,000 books in over 50 languages in a child-friendly format for reading online. Search books by language, award winning titles, and more. 
Maintains and provides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction, and offers training in quantitative methods to facilitate effective data use. Dates covered are from 1962-present. 
Maintains and provides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction, and offers training in quantitative methods to facilitate effective data use. Dates covered are from 1962-present. 
Maintains and provides access to a vast archive of social science data for research and instruction, and offers training in quantitative methods to facilitate effective data use. Dates covered are from 1962-present. 
The world's largest professional association for the advancement of technology 
Request articles through ILL 
IL State Board of Education 
The Illinois Kids Count 2018 report Child Health Matter examines the health status of the state children. Since children physical, emotional, and social well-being can be affected by a wide range of factors, the report includes indicators on access to health care, early childhood outcomes, family environment, healthy living, social and emotional well-being, oral health, special health care needs, and personal and community safety. 
The Illinois Kids Count 2018 report Child Health Matter examines the health status of the state children. Since children physical, emotional, and social well-being can be affected by a wide range of factors, the report includes indicators on access to health care, early childhood outcomes, family environment, healthy living, social and emotional well-being, oral health, special health care needs, and personal and community safety. 
The Illinois Kids Count 2018 report Child Health Matter examines the health status of the state children. Since children physical, emotional, and social well-being can be affected by a wide range of factors, the report includes indicators on access to health care, early childhood outcomes, family environment, healthy living, social and emotional well-being, oral health, special health care needs, and personal and community safety. 
To look up biographical information on actors and directors, go to the "Advanced Search" link and search for biographies using the "Name Text Search" box. Along with the biographical information, there will be filmography and interesting trivia about the individual. 
A virtual library containing all public domain music, as well as music from composers. 
IN State Board of Education 
"[A] virtual library of Internet resources relevant to faculty, students, and research staff at the university level. It contains useful Internet resources such as databases, electronic journals, electronic books, bulletin boards, mailing lists, online library card catalogs, articles, directories of researchers, and many other types of information" 
IPM Images archives more than 145,000 photographs of organisms of economic concern to farmers and foresters. 
"An organization consisting of professionals who provide assistance to physical educators, adapted physical educators, principals, parents/guardians, or anyone else that may be teaching children with disabilities in a movement setting." 
This is the site at which ED majors sign up for the three major tests before getting their certificate. 
Provides aerial photography for counties in Illinois. 
This is a government site in Illinois that handles issues in the welfare of children and families. This would be helpful for knowing laws and regulations regarding children's safety. 
This is a government site in Illinois that handles issues in the welfare of children and families. This would be helpful for knowing laws and regulations regarding children's safety. 
'The "Act" prohibits discrimination in Illinois with respect to employment, financial credit, public accommodations, housing and sexual harassment, as well as sexual harassment in education.' This site provides instructions and forms for initiating a discrimination charge. 
The IDHS has agencies and services for the needs of people in Illinois to improve their quality of life. This is a good resource to find help for the people you might minister to. 
The IDHS has agencies and services for the needs of people in Illinois to improve their quality of life. This is a good resource to find help for the people you might minister to. 
Website for the Illinois department of Public Health with information on diseases and current event news. 
(IDA) is a search engine for images, sound files, and other multi-media events that exist on Internet sites throughout Illinois. The search engine indexes images, etc., describing the history and experience of life in Illinois. 
Small Business Association: Business info and news, such as press releases, ways to enter the global economy, and ways to connect with local businesses. 
"The Illinois Early Intervention (EI) Clearinghouse identifies and collects research-based and best-practice early intervention information to share with families....We have a library of videos, books, manuals, and journals related to the development of young children with special needs and their families." 
"The Illinois Early Intervention (EI) Clearinghouse identifies and collects research-based and best-practice early intervention information to share with families....We have a library of videos, books, manuals, and journals related to the development of young children with special needs and their families." 
"The Illinois Early Intervention (EI) Clearinghouse identifies and collects research-based and best-practice early intervention information to share with families....We have a library of videos, books, manuals, and journals related to the development of young children with special needs and their families." 
"The Illinois Early Intervention (EI) Clearinghouse identifies and collects research-based and best-practice early intervention information to share with families....We have a library of videos, books, manuals, and journals related to the development of young children with special needs and their families." 
This is the official website of the Illinois General Assembly containing information about state Senate and House members, legislation, and additional resources. Good for an article regarding political/legislative matters or for basic General Assembly information (i.e. members of the House and Senate). 
This is the official website of the Illinois General Assembly containing information about state Senate and House members, legislation, and additional resources. Good for an article regarding political/legislative matters or for basic General Assembly information (i.e. members of the House and Senate). 
Illinois GIS data sets and documentation (metadata) for ArcIMS Interactive Map Services, USGS digital topographic maps, aerial photography, orthoimagery, orthophotography, geology, land use, natural resources, and infrastructure 
This site is provided by the State of Illinois and contains resources to register as a lobbyist, find information on lobbying in Illinois, and a list of every lobbyist in Illinois including the company he or she works for or represents and a phone number where he or she can be contacted. 
This site is provided by the State of Illinois and contains resources to register as a lobbyist, find information on lobbying in Illinois, and a list of every lobbyist in Illinois including the company he or she works for or represents and a phone number where he or she can be contacted. 
Look up income, language spoken at home, test scores by academic, and more by unit (school) and District. 
Illinois Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages - Bilingual Education (ITBE) 
A [geographic] division contains similar landscapes, climates, and substrate features like bedrock and soils that support similar vegetation and wildlife over the division's area 
Information on about converting inches to pixels and why it is important. 
Over 30,000 biographies that are searchable via the search box, the A-to-Z list, and by category. 
Visit Expectations and Responsibilies for description of possible Informatics responsibilities.
 Carol Kuhlthau's model of Information seeking behavior, emotional experiences, thoughts, and actions in the 6-stages of the research process 
The world's largest academic social science survey and research organization. 
Connect to ONU Digital Collections
Our Institutional Repository contains:
- Faculty and student scholarship and creative works
- Digitized periodicals of significance the University, community, and Church of the Nazarene
- Links to already published, open access scholarship by Olivet affiliated authors
- Conference schedules and presentation materials for University-hosted research events
For help with Olivet Digital Collections and other faculty scholarship, publishing projects, and discussions about posting outstanding student work, contact our site Administrator. 
The Instructional Services and Public Relations Student Assistant supports the work of the department by performing various clerical tasks and brainstorming new services and programs. This student also assists with and teaches some sessions, especially for general education courses. The student helps to plan, promote, and execute library events for our patrons and to promote library services and resources, including Library Orientation and National Library Week. Student assistants work closely with the Instruction Services Librarian and must be organized and creative.
Watch for library job openings on My Olivet under Student Support --> Career Services --> On Campus Jobs. Use the Student Job Application link in the footer of any page on the library website. Please read the form carefully when filling it out. It is important to fill out all applicable fields as completely as possible with proper grammar and punctuation.
 Human health effects from chemical exposure database 
The ILL student worker handles both borrowing and lending of returnables, prepares and sends articles to other institutions, processes and distributes articles received for ONU patrons. Tasks include pulling books and preparing for lending, copying articles and sending electronically, filing and other general office duties, phone and email contact with patrons.
 According to the INCM, this website is "the premier network for Christian leaders who minister to children". This website is place to find the training, encouragement, resources, tips, network and more as you seek to fulfill your role in ministry. 
Reading lists, lesson plans, and professional development. 
Provides data, analysis, and recommendations on policy, and trade promotion issues affecting U.S. industry competitiveness in a global setting. 
The website of the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Features information on Economics in relation to Housing and Urban Development. 
Grade Level Skills Help Page 
Grade Level Skills Help Pag 
This site repurposes closed captioning to enable users to search, quote and borrow U.S. TV news programs. --Description modified from TV News Archive 
What is the trend in browser usage? Observe browser statistics month by month. 
What is the trend in browser usage? Observe browser statistics month by month. 
Publication for parents whose children spend unmonitored time on the Internet from the Department of Justice 
Internet History Sourcebooks. Links to slightly later material, than "Medieval," but still a number of useful Patristic texts 
Internet History Sourcebooks. Links to slightly later material, than "Medieval," but still a number of useful Patristic texts 
"Searchable and annotated subject directory of Internet resources selected and evaluated by librarians for their usefulness to users of public libraries.... Featured collections.... publicly-funded website and weekly newsletter serving California, Washington state, the nation, and the world." 
General Chemistry Online! Introduction to organic chemistry 
Set the slider at the date of your copyrighted material and see whether you need to get permission to copy it. 
Japan House at the University of Illinois " here help strengthen your inner self, to provide a moment of clarity, and to resonate the vitalness of harmony, respect, purity and tranquility in our daily lives." 
CrossSearch Children's Resources 
Articles, booklets and books aimed at bringing Christians to maturity; also evangelism tracts. 
Publications, the arts, stories of faith and more. 
The Riley Guide: Sites with Job Listings 
Site is designed to be a complement and supplement to the book, "What Color Is Your Parachute: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters & Career-Changers" 
Physics, Astronomy, Engineering 
Physics, Astronomy, Engineering 
The Digital Archives includes documents, photographs, films, speeches, interviews, and other artifacts that represent JFK, with a strong focus on presidential and administrative papers. A rich source of digitized primary sources. 
The Digital Archives includes documents, photographs, films, speeches, interviews, and other artifacts that represent JFK, with a strong focus on presidential and administrative papers. A rich source of digitized primary sources. 
A way to access job categories and view journalism articles. 
County Wide (population and other) statistics 
Lists county health and mental health issues and goals. Includes reflections on issues identified in previous Health Improvement Plan. 
The 2030 Kankakee County Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Kankakee County Board on November 8, 2005. The 2030 Comprehensive Plan is Kankakee County's official policy guide to future land use, development and conservation over the next twenty-five years. The Plan addresses county needs and opportunities, while placing an emphasis on physical development, transportation, and services and facilities for the County and its municipalities. It is geographically comprehensive in coverage, in that it applies to all unincorporated areas of the County. --description taken from website 
Mission is to help individuals achieve their educational and career goals 
Help build your skills or your students skills with this educational website. Khan Academy offers over 3000 videos that demonstrate how to perform a certain topic in math, science, humanities and many other subjects. 
Kidblog is designed for K-12 teachers who want to provide each student with an individual blog. Students publish posts and participate in academic discussions within a secure classroom blogging community. Teachers maintain complete control over student blogs and user accounts. 
Kids Can Press is the largest Canadian owned publisher of children's books, with an award-winning list of over 500 picture books, non-fiction and fiction titles for toddlers to young adults. Today, Kids Can Press continues to be in the forefront of children's publishing by creating books that raise kids' social consciousness with the CitizenKid series. 
Extra ideas from Kids Discover magazine's website. 
Information on children's health and the human body. Includes teacher's guides and experiments. 
Find links to government and other kids' sites -- just use the navigation bar above to browse through our site. Explore, learn, and have fun! Includes commercial sites that have some free information and some available for a fee. 
Find links to government and other kids' sites -- just use the navigation bar above to browse through our site. Explore, learn, and have fun! Includes commercial sites that have some free information and some available for a fee. 
Find links to government and other kids' sites -- just use the navigation bar above to browse through our site. Explore, learn, and have fun! Includes commercial sites that have some free information and some available for a fee. 
Find links to government and other kids' sites -- just use the navigation bar above to browse through our site. Explore, learn, and have fun! Includes commercial sites that have some free information and some available for a fee. 
LD OnLine is the leading website on learning disabilities, learning disorders and differences. Parents and teachers of learning disabled children will find authoritative guidance on attention deficit disorder, ADD / ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dysnomia, reading difficulties, speech and related disorders. 
Supreme Court decisions, and other important legal materials federal, state, foreign, and international. 
"Trusted Internet portal for Latin American Studies content since 1992." 
A web blog by the University of Chicago Law Library. Interesting and informative law-related items. 
Science projects and activities for elementary students. 
EPA's main access point for laws, regulations, and dockets 
Website from Western Illinois University with links to digitized versions of many volumes of the Laws of Illinois (1881- ). 
The UCAR Center for Science Education engages people in the wonder and relevance of science. We focus on scientific literacy, workforce development, and community engagement. --Description taken from website 
Curriculum Corner provides educators with a variety of planning resources, such as lesson plans, templates, handouts, reading responses and more! 
Hosts more than 20 million obituaries worldwide, and provides updated biographical sections; "Obituaries in the News" and "Legends and Legacies." 
Newsletter for nurses, please scroll down past the image to see the A-Z list. 
This site contains links to lesson plans and resources for adolescent and young adult (grades 6-12) literature, including short stories, mysteries, and English literature. A great resource! 
The speakers have been permanently disabled on the library main floor pod computers and on the second and third floors. If you do not have headphones, you can check them out from the Lower Level Service Desk. They are free to use for two hour blocks of time. See a lab assistant on either the First Floor or Lower Level for an instruction card or further assistance. 
Wide variety of collections, including: Ancient Manuscripts: From the Desert Libraries of Timbuktu, Arthur Szyk: Artist for Freedom, Blondie Gets Married! Comic Strip, Churchill and the Great Republic 
Provides information and stories about the history of the United States 
[official websites] maintained by Northwestern University Libraries 
Features photos and data documenting each of the sites on the World Heritage List 
Licensing standards for child care homes, group homes and centers. Selected sites by adjunct professor Andrew Fisher. 
From the Bureau of Justice Statistics. 
Ask at the first-floor Circulation Desk (815-939-5354) if you are looking for lost and found items. Staff throughout the entire building use this single location for found items.
Exception: Olivet building keys are turned into the Ludwig Center Information Desk (815-939-5207). 
The MESSENGER Web Site (MESSENGER stands for MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging) offers a window into NASA's "mission to conduct the first orbital study of the innermost planet" with amazing illustrations and clear descriptions of the program and associated science. 
"MIT Technology Review identifies important new technologies - deciphering their practical impact and revealing how they will change our lives." 
Over 1,000 biographies of mathematician from 500 AD to Present. 
Read this book online. Originally published in 1940. 
Provides primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. Created by the University of Michigan 
Provides primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. Created by the University of Michigan 
Library Reserves is a service offered at the Circulation Desk for setting aside print resources for a specific academic course. Items are processed at the request of the course instructor. To ensure all students have access to the materials, professors choose a restricted loan period of 2 hours, 2 days, 7 days, or 14 days. Items on Reserve must be owned by the professor or by Benner Library. For more information, contact the Circulation Supervisor. 
Focuses on Americana and cartographic treasures of the Library of Congress 
Online maps of all the continents and their countries. 
An extensive number of up-to-date charts and tables of stock information 
A free online site presenting extensive information on algebraic, functional, ordinary differential, partial differential, integral, and other mathematical equations 
"Physicians, scientists and other medical experts dedicate a portion of their clinical time to this site...giv[ing] you access to the knowledge and experience of Mayo Clinic." 
Take a practice test only or watch videos about test strategies. 
Information on various health topics, drug information, directories of hospitals, doctors, and libraries, health tutorials, and current news. 
Up-to-date news, articles on specific conditions, health-related issues, research, and journal articles. Offering specific information for children, teenagers, men, women, and seniors from several national centers and agencies. 
The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development also produces Educational Leadership. 
Includes over 3500 works of art online, as well as images from special exhibitions. 
A popular, comprehensive and up-to-date source of drug information online which provides free, peer-reviewed, accurate and independent data on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, & natural products. 
A popular, comprehensive and up-to-date source of drug information online which provides free, peer-reviewed, accurate and independent data on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, & natural products. 
ACNM Archives, 1945-1994. 
Use your ID card or mobile credentials to print.
- Mobile credential set up
- TigerDollars must already be added to your account.
- TigerDollars are different from FlexDollars (part of many campus meal plans).
To borrow Library materials, bring a valid ONU ID card or cell phone with activated mobile credentials to the Circulation Desk. Some materials, such as reference books and periodicals, do not leave the library. 
Receive advice about resumes, interviewing, salary, and benefits from this reliable source. 
An exciting website that promotes Science education! Learn about Field Trips, Learning Labs, and Teacher Courses. Make sure to check out the Classroom Resources for a variety of awesome science lessons for K-12. 
Be able to search biographies of composers from the Medieval era through the present age. Also provides references for further reading. 
Includes music manuscripts, early printed editions, and musicians' letters from the Library of Congress's Performing Arts Encyclopedia. 
Similar to Thingiverse, MyMiniFactory has a wide array of 3D models, both free and paid, to meet your creative needs. 
National Assessment of Educational Progress from the National Center for Education Statistics 
North American Industry Classification System (
"The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy." 
North American Industry Classification System (
"The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy." 
"...a growing collection of 3D models, textures, and images from inside NASA. All of these resources are free to download and use" (hosting 290+ models) 
This site provides resources to help teachers find jobs, school for professional development, mentors, and different kinds of certification. 
An agency within the Federal Bureau of Prisons, NIC advances and shapes correctional practice and public policy by responding to the needs of corrections through assistance, collaboration, leadership, and training. 
NIGMS supports research that lays the foundation for advances in disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Provides training programs to better prepare the next generation of scientists. 
NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (NPG) informs workers, employers, and occupational health professionals about workplace chemicals and their hazards. 
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Collection of thermochemical and thermophysical data complied by the NIST 
The Elemental Data Index provides access to the holdings of NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML) online data organized by element. It is intended to simplify the process of retrieving online scientific data for a specific element from various online databases, including atomic spectroscopy, atomic data, x-ray absorption, and nuclear data. 
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Gives the values of scientific constants and explains the SI measurement system 
This system comprises many physical, chemical and biological processes that need to be dynamically integrated to better predict their behavior over scales from local to global and periods of minutes to millennia. 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) education resources for weather. 
The NOAA Photo Library has been built so as to capture the work, observations, and studies that are carried on by the scientists, engineers, commissioned officers, and administrative personnel that make up this complex and scientifically diverse agency. It also has been built in an attempt to capture NOAA's scientific heritage, which is in fact a heritage shared by much of the physical and environmental science communities in the United States today. To date, over 32,000 images have been digitized and reside in the online NOAA Photo Library. 
Offers a full range of data collection, information systems, and analytic capabilities. 
The National Science Teachers Association is committed to promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all. It includes free resources in a preservice and new teachers portal. 
The U.S. Natural Hazard Statistics provide statistical information on fatalities, injuries and damages caused by weather related hazards. These statistics are compiled by the Office of Services and the National Climatic Data Center from information contained in Storm Data, a report comprising data from NWS forecast offices in the 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands. 
Articles, blogs, and ideas to use in the classroom from the NSTA. 
NASA provides biographical information of current, management, former, and international astronauts, also cosmonauts and astronaut candidates. 
"We have so many records that... Laid side to side, pages in our holdings would circle the Earth over 57 times! Because of the cost to digitize such a volume of materials, only a small percentage is available for research online. Our website offers tools and guides to help you locate these documents. " 
"We have so many records that... Laid side to side, pages in our holdings would circle the Earth over 57 times! Because of the cost to digitize such a volume of materials, only a small percentage is available for research online. Our website offers tools and guides to help you locate these documents. " 
"We have so many records that... Laid side to side, pages in our holdings would circle the Earth over 57 times! Because of the cost to digitize such a volume of materials, only a small percentage is available for research online. Our website offers tools and guides to help you locate these documents. " 
"We have so many records that... Laid side to side, pages in our holdings would circle the Earth over 57 times! Because of the cost to digitize such a volume of materials, only a small percentage is available for research online. Our website offers tools and guides to help you locate these documents. " 
"We have so many records that... Laid side to side, pages in our holdings would circle the Earth over 57 times! Because of the cost to digitize such a volume of materials, only a small percentage is available for research online. Our website offers tools and guides to help you locate these documents. " 
The National Archives is the U.S. Government's collection of documents that records important events in American history. The lesson plans featured on this website are all aligned with primary documents beginning in 1754-present. 
Contains primary sources, activities, and training for educators and students. 
"The National Archives is also the official archive for England, Wales and the central UK government, containing 900 years of history from Domesday Book to the present, with records ranging from parchment and paper scrolls through to recently created digital files and archived websites" 
"Since 1907, NAfME has worked to ensure that every student has access to a well-balanced, comprehensive, and high-quality program of music instruction taught by qualified teachers. NAfME's activities and resources have been largely responsible for the establishment of music education as a profession, for the promotion and guidance of music study as an integral part of the school curriculum, and for the development of the National Standards for Arts Education." 
The world's largest organization working on behalf of young children (birth-8 years). It includes research and reports on early childhood development and education. 
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education. 
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education. 
A variety of data tools using statistical data collected by the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences. Create customized tables with the specific information desired. 
Films made by MIT's iFluids program. 
From the about page: "The National Constitution Center is the first and only institution in America established by Congress to "disseminate information about the United States Constitution on a non-partisan basis in order to increase the awareness and understanding of the Constitution among the American people." The Constitution Center brings the United States Constitution to life by hosting interactive exhibitions and constitutional conversations and inspires active citizenship by celebrating the American constitutional tradition." 
Provides information about the organization as well as access to publications, announcements of career opportunities, and press releases. Sample articles from current and back issues of Teaching Children Mathematics, Mathematics. 
Includes many online documents pertinent to criminal justice as well as WWW links and information about listservs. 
This site offers information about animals, history, maps, news, social studies topics, photos, videos, world music, etc. The site offers free newsletters. 
This site offer videos and photos on their cable television station. This site would be great for finding material that would be relevant to students' lives. 
On this website, children can explore animals, games, videos, stories, and activities. It also offers them the opportunity to personalize the webpage. 
Highlights new finds at ancient sites and their impact on our understanding of history. 
The research, development, and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice, whose mission is to provide objective, independent, evidence-based knowledge and tools to enhance the administration of justice and public safety. 
The National Institute of Nursing Research website with information on research, funding, training, and current news. 
A site with information to help with education of nurses. 
National Museum of American History, which is part of the Smithsonian, website. 
Offers a full range of data collection, information systems, and analytic capabilities. 
Free national park maps for download 
NPS's B-Roll Video. Find a Video by Subject. This archive is "designed to provide free, public domain, downloadable video images for multimedia use." 
"education initiatives seek to equip our members and prepare the emerging generation of visual journalists in the face of an ever-changing media landscape." 
NSBA represents state school boards associations and their more than 90,000 local school board members. We believe education is a civil right, and public education is America's most vital institution. 
"An independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University, the Archive collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act." 
"Dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the achievements of great American women." Search the biographies of the women who have been inducted into this Hall of Fame. 
Focuses on women's history in the U.S., including special units, lesson plans and quizzes. 
Provides information on Native North American authors with bibliographies of their published works, biographical information, and links to other online resources including interviews, online texts, and tribal websites. 
News from the Church of the Nazarene International. 
The NetSmartz Workshop is an interactive, educational, safety resource from the NCMEC and BGCA that uses age-appropriate, 3-D activities to teach children and teens how to be safer when using the Internet. 
A list of news articles and videos covered by The Associated Press. 
Lesson plans, primary sources, and video lessons for the social science classroom. 
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. 
Create, view, print, hear and share professional quality music notation right in your browser - on your computer, tablet or phone. 
McMaster University's metasite. 
"...a list of major nursing theorists who have contributed to the development of professional nursing practice into what it is today" 
"provides easy access to the best food and nutrition information from across the federal government." 
Search for job occupations and related jobs to explore career options. 
Official Statistics on the Web hosted by The University of Auckland Library. Browse statistics by region, country, and subject. 
A high quality example of a totally electronic, freely available nursing journal, published by Kent State University School of Nursing in partnership with American Nurses Association. 
Information on weight management and the importance of maintaining a healthy weight. 
The science magazine for young adventurers, ages 10-16. This website is a great resource on its own, but works as a supplementary resource for the Odyssey Magazine collection. Some of its features include a Virtual Classroom with links to live webcams, a Just for Teachers section with teacher guides and lesson ideas, background information, and resources to use with the current issue. Keep up-to-date with their current science news, Science Scoops.The Curriculum Center will carry this magazine soon, but enjoy this online resource until then. 
Dietary Supplement fact sheets 
Funding, Training, Programs, Statistics and Research 
Provides national leadership, coordination, and resources to prevent and treat juvenile delinquency, improve the effectiveness and fairness of the juvenile justice system, and address the problem of missing and exploited children. 
The national source for drug and crime statistics, drug policy, and related information. 
Information on prescription drug abuse with help guidelines and treatment resources 
A science portal of technical reports from the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), Department of Energy (DOE) Information Bridge Report Collection, EPA - National Environmental Publications Internet Site (NEPIS), NASA Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) Technical Reports, and NASA Langley Technical Reports 
A list of events that happened on present dates throughout history. 
This free online tool allows you to upscale small images without losing quality or introducing distortion (also known as 'artifacts'). -- Taken from website 
Heather is an internationally published author on the topics of raising children with difficult and severe behaviors, the impact of trauma on the developing child, adoptive motherhood, and self-development. 
"Easy to use website that allows for designing your own models through a cloud and browser-based application that is free to students." 
Exploration of the intellectual, cultural, and political history of reading as reflected in the historical holdings of the Harvard Libraries 
Get free online courses from the world's leading universities. This collection includes over 650 free courses in the liberal arts and sciences. Download these audio & video courses straight to your computer or other device. Also, you can find a new collection of certificate-bearing courses here. 
This collection provides a list of free educational resources for K-12 students and their parents and teachers. It features free video lessons/tutorials; free mobile apps; free audiobooks, ebooks and textbooks; quality YouTube channels; free foreign language lessons; test prep materials; and free web resources in a variety of academic subjects. 
List of open source image and research databases maintained by the library at The Ontario College of Art and Design University (OCAD U) 
Through our CARLI library consortium membership, Olivet is a member of the Open Textbook Network (OTN). OTN only posts Open Educational Resources (OER) with extensive reviews by faculty at member institutions. Open Textbook Library.
Because of these detailed reviews, Benner Librarians recommend The Open Textbook Library for faculty who are interested in free textbooks. 
Bureau of Labor Statistics - United States Department of Labor - Occupational Outlook Handbook 
Census Bureau demographic, economic, and governmental information about states and counties. 
ASA is dedicated to advancing sociology as a scientific discipline and profession serving the public good. 
FLI is completely dedicated to powerfully equipping the next generation of leaders through unique content and a personalized approach to leadership development. 
Marriage Inc is a pro-marriage organization that attempts to rally concerned individuals, churches, organizations and community leaders to address local needs in Kankakee County. 
This "reference is meant for students who are starting out in the area of Organometallic Chemistry as well as those who wish to review and interrelate concepts for their class, Oral Exams or placement tests." 
This webpage contains information and specifications about the printer the library currently uses to perform 3D Prints. 
Our Daily Bread daily devotional. 
A cooperative effort among National History Day, The National Archives and Records Administration, and USA Freedom Corps to provide major documents in U.S. history. 
Pennsylvania Geology is a free online magazine published by the Bureau of Topographic and Geologic Survey. It includes articles on the geology of Pennsylvania, earth science education, and topographic mapping, and announcements of new publications, conferences, and other geologic and topographic items of interest. --Description taken from Publisher 
PBS Teachers provides thousands of lesson plans, interactive games and simulations, maps, photos, essays and more on all major educational topics. The PBS Teachers site includes PBS TeacherLine, a special service offering more than 100 high-quality online professional development courses. 
PBS provides historical biographies and profiles from a wide variety of their programs, including documentaries, feature films, and interviews about famous or historical figures. 
This web site was maintained in the months immediately following the attacks, and now serves as an archive of related resources, analysis and discussion from that moment in time. 
Not For Ourselves Alone series. 
A program that gives accurate stock information in real time. 
PE Central offers a wide variety of lesson and assessment ideas. You will find over 2,000 ideas to use in your physical education classroom. 
It includes reviews of books from all genres and for all ages including award books. There are pages especially for children including coloring pages. It's a great site children can use to pick out books, or for parents and teachers to get ideas. 
Published by Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) 
Provides information from the U.S. Department of Education for parenting. 
Published by Safety Detective 
A useful website from the University of St. Thomas library. Use I-Share or World Cat to request books if needed. 
Royal Society of Chemistry gives information on each element, such as discovery, origin, and properties. 
Student workers in the Periodicals Department assist in maintaining the physical collection, including correct shelf order, the shifting and weeding of titles, and some binding and labeling. They also tally usage, assist patrons in the use of periodicals, sort mail and may do some light dusting. They may also help with the upkeep of the electronic holdings list and participate in special projects.
Watch for library job openings on My Olivet under Student Support --> Career Services --> On Campus Jobs. Use the Student Job Application link in the footer of any page on the library website. Please read the form carefully when filling it out. It is important to fill out all applicable fields as completely as possible with proper grammar and punctuation.
 Map collection from the University of Texas at Austin. 
Tufts University. Contains a number of prominent, ancient texts. Also contains Greek and Latin dictionaries/lexicons. 
Students can use this graphic organizer to develop a persuasive stance for an essay, speech, poster, or any type of assignment that incorporates persuasion. 
The Center is an independent opinion research group that studies attitudes toward the press, politics and public policy issues. 
information on the importance of physical activity with tips and ideas on how to incorporate physical activities into your daily life, your workplace and your community. 
Links to quizzes and sites for kids related to health, nutrition, and fitness. Recommended by Cora, a participant in the after school PE program at Salt Lake City Children's Network. 
(Occupational Handbook, U.S. Dept. of Labor) 
Poetry and using poetry with children. Includes a glossary of poetic terms. 
The Center was created for the specific purpose of running "The Politics & Journalism Semester" to teach future political reporters about politics from the perspective of political practitioners and political journalists. 
An independent, nonpartisan resource on trends in American public opinion. 
An independent, nonpartisan resource on trends in American public opinion. 
A look at the fundamental properties of polymers.
"The MAST modules represent the cumulative efforts of approximately 100 high school teachers, 15 university professors and several graduate and undergraduate students over a three year development period funded by the National Science Foundation. Thank you for accessing our site. These materials can be downloaded [here]." 
Create a motivational poster design in minutes with Fotor's poster maker, help you easily stand out among a variety of posters. With plenty of outstanding poster design layouts and templates, Fotor's online poster maker will allow you to customize your poster to display the most important information on your interesting and eye-catching poster design for a certain occasion, as well as effectively communicating any important details and attracting people's attention immediately. -- Taken from website 
PowerKids Life Science is an online science resource specifically designed for learners in grades 3 to 6. Comprised of curriculum-correlated content, PowerKids Life Science promotes digital literacy and 21st-century learning skills while offering research, report, and homework help. A log in name and password is necessary for a FREE 30-day trial. 
Free Research Poster PowerPoint Templates 
Sources on current research on fitness, nutrition and sports. 
Biographies of the United States Presidents, along with speeches and writings, election results, highlights, and links to more resources. 
Gutenberg has the largest collection of free electronic books. The categories range from Adverture to World War I. 
Projects for teaching about nature, includes correlations to national standards. 
Website for students; full of psychology information 
The PubMed Dietary Supplement Subset, a collaboration between the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements and National Library of Medicine (NLM), has replaced the International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS) database (1999-2010). 
Provides research that bridges the gap between American leaders and what the public really thinks about issues ranging from education to foreign policy to immigration to religion and civility in American life. 
Provides research that bridges the gap between American leaders and what the public really thinks about issues ranging from education to foreign policy to immigration to religion and civility in American life. 
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 created the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), whose mission is to protect investors and the public by overseeing the audits of public companies. Its site is an authoritative source posting unique and essential information needed by accounting professionals and students. The creation of the PCAOB established external, independent oversight of the auditing industry, which prior to this time had been self-regulated. 
Contains the compilations of Presidential messages, papers, writings, addresses, and remarks of a public nature beginning in 1992 with the George HW Bush Administration. 
75,000 terms in French/English, English/French 
Provide key information about the censuses, surveys, and other programs that are the sources of data products. 
Publication search vehicle 
Official website of the Public Radio & TV from Spain government. A good resource for information about historical, economic, political and cultural aspects of the Kingdom of Spain. [Site recommended by Prof. Canales.] 
This website offers excellent documentation related to Latin America culture. [Site recommended by Prof. Canales]. 
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) letters, memoranda, and Q&As 
Read Write Think has many valuable resources for the classroom, for educators, and for professional development. They have resources for reading, writing, language arts and more! 
Reading Rockets offers a wealth of reading strategies, lessons, and activities designed to help young children learn how to read and read better. Our reading resources assist parents, teachers, and other educators in helping struggling readers build fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. 
Tutorial (with exercise & physiology examples) 
The Rebecca Caudill Young Readers' Book Award is an annual award given to the author of the book voted most outstanding by students in grades four through eight in participating Illinois schools. 
Explores news relating to ethical and religious issues around the world. 
A good resource to investigate political theory as it applies to religion and government. U.S. Census Fact Finder Has resources to find current trends among Americans and certain groups like children or youth 
Provides links to various Department of Education statistical websites including the National Center for Education Statistics. 
"We work to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean. Through financial and technical support for countries working to reduce poverty and inequality, we help improve health and education, and advance infrastructure. Our aim is to achieve development in a sustainable, climate-friendly way" (primary sources) 
PubMed's Dietary Supplement Subset resulted from collaborative efforts of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It facilitates searches for information on vitamins, minerals, botanicals, and other dietary supplements in categories such as chemical constituents, bioactivity, clinical trials, interactions, and adverse effects. 
Secondary education resource that lists 11 fields of Biological Study with links to laboratory activities and learning activities. Lesson plan resources, curriculum planning, and references available. 
TESOL International Association 
A widely used, research-backed approach for educators to create a safe, challenging, and joyful classroom. 
As we know, this is not the best, reliable, academic source, but it's good for background knowledge. 
This Russian Revolution site is created, maintained and hosted by Alpha History, an Australian-based group with authors and contributors worldwide. 
Contemporary business and management issues related to information processes, systems and technology 
Biographical information on the inductees of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame from its beginning in 1986 through the present. 
Romantics Unbound is a Romanticism studies online learning and research site, connecting scholars, teachers, and students to a wealth of Romanticism material available on the Internet. To get started, simply click the navigation buttons above or follow the navigation text at the bottom of each page. 
To change the world's diet requires a network of great minds and innovative leaders. The Rudd Center marshals the talent of a diverse group of global experts on obesity to improve the food environment and fight weight stigma. 
Algebra help and practice problems 
Deals with natural disasters and is based on the television series, "Savage Earth". An "Ask the Expert" area is set up as well as links to the best resources on the web for each subject. 
Books, games, videos, and activities that aline with national science standards. 
Links to data regarding Youth Violence Prevention 
"SafetyLit provides abstracts of reports from researchers who work in the more than 30 distinct professional disciplines relevant to preventing and researching unintentional injuries, violence, and self-harm." 
Various ideas for the classroom in a variety of subjects from scholastic. 
This website offers all kinds of free printable worksheets. Worksheets include writing ideas, games, puzzle makers, etc. 
You've heard of YouTube and TeacherTube, now check out SchoolTube, endorsed by leading education associations. It's a safe, moderated environment where students can post self-produced videos for classroom use: from the educational and practical to the fun. Although you might not find video content that will help you teach (because it is all very specific to classes and schools), this is a great tool for giving your students a safe platform to share their creations. 
Science Kids is the home of science & technology on the Internet for children around the world. Learn more about the amazing world of science by enjoying its fun science experiments, cool facts, online games, free activities, ideas, lesson plans, photos, quizzes, videos & science fair projects. 
Science experiments give you and your children the opportunity to invent, create and learn how things work. These free ideas for science activities should be fun for one or more kids as long as the adults plan to be involved too. 
Science Net Links offers many great Science lessons, tools, and afterschool activities and experiments for grades K-8. 
Science teacher resources for several different topics are available through this great website. 
Online uses and additions for our subscription to Science and Children. 
Information links on telecommunications, space, biology, and Internet security. 
Websites, news, and activities recommended by NSTA 
A list of news articles and videos covered by NewScientist, mostly centered around the scientific. 
Library of Congress project on brain research and links to other research websites. 
" searches over 60 databases and over 2200 selected websites from 15 federal agencies, offering 200 million pages of authoritative U.S. government science information including research and development results." 
The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Virtual Library and Abstracts Database contains bibliographic information and abstracts of more than 230,000 collection resources and over 80,000 online materials. Content includes: federal, state, and local government reports; books; research reports; journal articles; and unpublished research. Subject areas cover a variety of topics, including corrections, courts, drugs, law enforcement, juvenile justice, crime statistics, victims, and more. Some full text; ILL required for other content. 
Search for images on with topics including history, art, science, and more. 
Cached versions of .gov and .us web pages 
This activity has students build a model of fossils in sediment layers. 
"...seminal papers in their fields [and s]ome ...interesting curiosities." 
This site is CNN's memorial to the victims of the September 11 attacks. It lists those who died and includes information from CNN reports, obituaries, and materials submitted by friends and family. 
The Smithsonian's National Museum of American History began collecting artifacts and stories right after September 11 that include physical objects, images, and audio recordings--many of the curators' recollections of acquiring and working the materials. 
Seymour Simon has written over 250 books and most of them are non-fiction science books. He is an award-winning children's author, and now even his website is award-winning. He has an entire collection of free teacher guides to use with his books. They are introducing digital books aligned with the Common Core standards. This website offers information about his books, contests, interviews, activities for kids, and an entire section for educators and families. If you register for a free adult account, you receive full access to this bountiful resource! 
Electronic copies of paper publications on echnical information. 
A-Z list available of different sounds from traffic to animals to voices and more. 
Database of multi-color images that cover more than a quarter of the sky that are used to create 3D maps containing more than 930,000 galaxies and more than 120,000 quasars. 
Helpful resources for small group ministries including an online magazine. 
Search over 9.6 million records of museum objects, archives and library materials including more than 1.4 million online media files. 
Ever wanted to see an artifact from the Smithsonian or possibly even print it? The Smithsonian digitization website has over 100 files that allow you to see and print many of their artifacts in a 3D format. 
Lesson plans for all levels of science, language arts, history and art. It also includes many resources and historical documents. 
One of the world's great centers for the study of earth, history, human cultures, and the natural world. 
Interactives and information for kids from the Smithsonian Museums. 
National Museum of Natural History: virtual dinosaurs 
Creative teachers can use music to teach content across the curriculum to students of all ages. We offer thousands of children's songs, lyrics, sound clips and teaching suggestions. 
Use this "Evaluating Web Resources" checklist from Cornell University Library's Introduction to Research tutorial to evaluate the information sources you discover as a result of performing a search. 
This website is an example of one area's goal of reducing poverty. Students covering nationwide poverty statistics would find help from this site. 
A 5-page reading on The Fall, showing part on Stalin, Cold War, and the eventual collapse of the USSR from the History Channel 
The lead U.S. center for robotic exploration of the solar system 
News content on space and related industry activities 
Central hub for best science information on the web for grade 8 and up. Includes videos, games, articles, and experiments. 
US Department of Defense Education Activity dodea 
Illinois State Board of Education Special Education Services 
Special Education Teachers - Occupational Outlook Handbook 
Illinois Natural History Survey's Biological Collections 
Both online and offline versions. 
A tool for physical education teachers, coaches, students and everyone who is interested in physical education/fitness and sports. Contains lesson plans, links to sports and physical education sites, discussions, and other resources. 
A Peer-Reviewed Site for Sport Research 
"This free-to-use platform combines the largest available collection of protocols and methods with cutting-edge AI and text-mining technologies to easily identify techniques and organisms mentioned in content from Springer Protocols, Nature Protocols, Nature Methods and Protocol Exchange." Dr. Rosenberger says, "....might be helpful for some of the lab bench work in the department. Not so helpful...for field based work" 
Current legislation, cases and issues, overview. 
Includes primary materials, current legislation, resources on the Internet, and overview of copyright law. Sponsored by Stanford University Libraries, FindLaw Internet Legal Resources, and the Council on Library Resources. 
The website produces phonics based reading and language activities and games. 
Contains state information relating to government, finance, news and much more. Anyone writing a story about state issues or government would find it helpful. 
Links to information and statistics for U.S agencies 
Introduction to statistical tools used for analytical chemistry 
Want to learn more about the painting you found while clearing out the attic? What about the drawing that has been hanging in grandma's hallway since you were a kid? Maybe the sculpture you found at the flea market last summer really is a Remington. How can you find out?
For answers, be prepared for a little detective work. 
The leading free stock photography site 
Storybirds are "short, art-inspired stories you make to share, read, and print." Using the images provided by artists and illustrators, students can write and design their own online books working alone or collaboratively with classmates, or they can spend time enjoying the published "library" of Storybirds. The Teacher functionality allows you to create a private group, manage students' assignments, and grade work. 
Narrated tours of street art around the world. 
Narrated tours of street art around the world. 
From start to finish, professional artist, Steve Henderson, will take you step by step through stretching a canvas -- with details on how to fold the corners insuring that your gallery wrapped painting looks its best. --taken from website 
Quiet study
- Ultra Quiet: Third-floor (between elevator and Quad) is always reserved for silent, individual, study.. Carrels with sides and doors provide additional buffer from distraction and are available first-come, first-served.
- The Lower Level computer lab is often quiet. In this Lab, Campus IT provides a couple of workstations with a secure web browser for test-taking.
- Study Rooms can be reserved online or used on a first-come, first-served basis by individuals.
Group study
- The Library’s Fishbowl is open 24/7.
- When the Library is open, enter through the sliding door.
- When the Library is closed, use your mobile credentials or TigerCard to enter through the exterior and foyer doors. .
- Amenities: tables and chairs that can be moved for collaboration; two computers; a printer (color, B&W).
- The Fishbowl is sometimes reserved for Library workdays or instruction sessions; watch for a sign.
- Study Rooms can be reserved online or used on a first-come, first-served basis by small groups.
- The Large Group Study Room accommodates about 15 people. Amenities: Soft seating, tables, a few computers, and a TV with connections for your laptop or device (using Bluetooth)..
All faculty are invited to suggest materials to add to the library's collection. Submit your suggestions here.
Suggest Library Materials (books, DVDs, etc.)
Suggest Periodical Subscriptions 
Info packet from Kids Discover on the Supreme Court 
Environmental conditions and activities in watersheds throughout the US 
Sweet Search is a search engine for students. Every website in Sweet Search has been evaluated by research experts. Teachers can also find great resources for lessons on this website. 
Full text of bills from 103-105 Congresses, more.
At the end of 2014 the Thomas site will be moving to 
Time magazine provides an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world. Each person includes biographical information and why the person is influential. 
An environmental quality database provided by the US National Library of Medicine, is designed for nontechnical people interested in learning about air and water pollutants in their area. 
Tagxedo turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning word cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text. 
Teacher Education Handbook 
Science, Social Studies, and Reading resource KIDS DISCOVER is an award-winning series of more than 140 supplemental nonfiction titles for students in Grades 3-7. Now in its 20th year, each issue of KIDS DISCOVER features a single nonfiction topic in the natural and social sciences. KIDS DISCOVER is sold to thousands of schools each year as a supplementary product to increase literacy and inspire students' love of learning.KIDS DISCOVER also aligns to your state standards' check out our free online database, searchable by subject matter, grade, state, and more! 
TeacherTube is a video sharing website similar to YouTube. It is designed to allow teachers to share educational resources such as video, audio, documents, photos, groups and blogs. The site contains a mixture of classroom teaching resources and others designed to aid teacher training. 
TeacherTube is a video sharing website similar to YouTube. It is designed to allow teachers to share educational resources such as video, audio, documents, photos, groups and blogs. The site contains a mixture of classroom teaching resources and others designed to aid teacher training. 
TeacherTube is a video sharing website similar to YouTube. It is designed to allow teachers to share educational resources such as video, audio, documents, photos, groups and blogs. The site contains a mixture of classroom teaching resources and others designed to aid teacher training. 
TeacherTube is a video sharing website similar to YouTube. It is designed to allow teachers to share educational resources such as video, audio, documents, photos, groups and blogs. The site contains a mixture of classroom teaching resources and others designed to aid teacher training. 
An open marketplace where teachers can buy, sell , and share original teaching resources. 
If you read fiction and nonfiction books in any discipline or setting,'s database of instructional materials will enliven your K-12 reading and library activities. 
Teaching Channel contains videos casing many practical, specific ideas and tips for pedagogy organized by age level, subject area, and topic. 
Looking for engaging instructional ideas? Use these pages to learn about ePals collaborative tools, partners, and experiences. Find Common Core-aligned resources, hear from visionary teacher bloggers and discover how to integrate ePals into your classroom instruction to empower collaborative learning! 
TechCrunch reports on the latest news across the digital technology industry. The staff of roughly 40 writers and editors comprises some of the most respected technology journalists in the US. While the home page provides a continual update of the latest news on digital technology, dedicated subsites cover specific industries including startups, mobile phones, general gadgets, social media, TV, funding, and "greentech." 
Updated technological news from CNN. 
Online commentary website. Frequently used by pastors for sermon preparation. 
Summary of the political, economic, and social statistics of the U.S. government. 
ABA Journal article listing their choices for the 25 greatest legal movies. 
Aligned with the award-winning, adventure-packed book series, The 39 Clues, this interactive website allows students to join the experience in a real way. Discussion boards, join the hunt, and collect the cards - all powered by Scholastic to encourage readers to participate in this adventure. 
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States was charged with preparing a full account of the circumstances surrounding the tragedies, including preparedness for and response to the attacks, and recommendations to guard against future attacks. 
Biographies of more than 500 poets, in addition to thousands of poems, essays about poems, and more. 
Secondary education resource that includes activities, lesson plans, worksheets by topic, images and media (including interactive learning activities for students), and additional resource websites linked. Classes include Anatomy 1 & 2, AP Biology, Biology 1&2, and Physics. 
Read biographies on the African Americans who were noteworthy during the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and 1930s in Washington D.C. 
The Button Guy provides information on button making and button makers, badge presses
and pin machines. This site is a free button making resource with downloadable templates
(coming soon), repair instructions, maintenance information and full details on how to use and
look after a button maker. --taken from vendor's site 
Expanding on Ken Burns' PBS series, this site offers numerous ideas for activities and curriculum tie-ins. Downloadable lesson plans and links to resources supporting the assignments are included. 
The Cooperative Children's Book Center is a unique and vital gathering place for books, ideas, and expertise in the field of children's and young adult literature. 
Public Law 107-110 signed on January 8, 2002 
The Great Depression Interviews provided by Washington University in St. Louis. 
Biographical information, along with audio and video clips about African Americans who have influenced history. Including untold personal stories of African Americans. 
Databases about nurse researchers and research, including abstracts of STTI & other nursing research conferences, table of contents for STTI publications Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, Journal of Nursing Scholarship, and more. 
Very useful and up-to-date database of lyrics to hundreds of art songs. Searchable by title, first line, and keyword of song text, with composer and poet indexes and links to biographical information. 
A collection of sources from medical libraries. 
"Trusted, concise and correct discussions of diagnosis and therapy." 
From the about page: "The NBER is committed to undertaking and disseminating unbiased economic research in a scientific manner, and without policy recommendations, among public policymakers, business professionals, and the academic community." 
Be able to search biographical information of the great inventors of the United States and the rest of the world. 
The Official Homepage of the United States Army 
Check the archives for famous historical events. 
These OWL resources will help you prepare for the different types of writing you may do during the job search process. 
5-min, video provided by ClickView, "We cover every level of learning - primary, secondary and tertiary, and are ready to help you and your students achieve greater outcomes." 
(PowerPoint slides) created by member of Elizabethtown Area School District 
A conservative legal organization which specializes in the defense of religious liberty and human rights. 
The September 11 Digital Archive uses electronic media to collect, preserve, and present the history of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath. The Archive contains more than 150,000 digital items, a tally that includes more than 40,000 emails and other electronic communications, more than 40,000 first-hand stories, and more than 15,000 digital images. 
The September 11, 2001, Documentary Project captures the heartfelt reactions, eyewitness accounts, and diverse opinions of Americans and others in the months that followed the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and United Airlines Flight 93. 
This website offers seasonal, thematic bulletin boards, free printable worksheets, and other tools useful for teachers. 
A useful website for the study of Tertullian. 
Get lots of high-quality teaching tools about coins, making coins, and coin-related business and consumer information. Lesson plans and activities are available. This includes Learning Centers, Web Quests, Coin Curricula, Class Gadgets, and Games Center, which are all aligned with National Standards. 
Get lots of high-quality teaching tools about coins, making coins, and coin-related business and consumer information. Lesson plans and activities are available. This includes Learning Centers, Web Quests, Coin Curricula, Class Gadgets, and Games Center, which are all aligned with National Standards. 
A collection of historical and scholarly resources about the Wesleyan tradition, theology, Christianity, and the Church of the Nazarene. 
Provides information on the life and work of Vincent van Gogh, along with information on the lives and works of 250 prolific artists. 
One of the internet's largest resources for free 3D printable files. 
The History Channel's "birthdays" in subcategories. 
Includes over 1,700 items by or to Jefferson. Created by the University of Virginia. 
This website offers information, virtual tours, and many other helpful resources for parents and teachers regarding Thomas Jefferson's house, Monticello. 
Check the archives for famous historical events. 
Check the archives for famous historical events. 
SAMHSA (Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration) a US Government agency. Use to find evidence-based practices and data. 
A huge book database aligned with the newest curriculum. The four different options include TumbleBookLibrary (animated picture books), TumbleBookClouds (for elementary and middle school students), and AudioBookCloud (online streaming of audio books). Subscription is required, but a free trial is available. 
Search instructions for The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) Virtual Library and Abstracts Database free typing lessons. 
FDA provides articles that relates to protecting your health 
Resources and research pertaining to the military history of the United States. 
from the US Department of Commerce: International, national, regional and industry-level resources. Sign-up for email version of Survey of Current Business (1994-present) 
The United States Department of Labor provides in-depth statistics for over 50 subject areas. For each Program Office (Subject Area Category), the Bureau lists each of the program's homepages, economic releases, publications, databases, and tables. 
The leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy. 
The International Data Base (IDB) offers a variety of demographic indicators for countries and areas of the world with a population of 5,000 or more. The IDB has provided access to demographic data for over 25 years to governments, academics, other organizations, and the public. It is funded by organizations that sponsor the research of the Census Bureau"s International Programs Center for Demographic and Economic Studies. 
The Census Bureau provides percent of population by age group, income info, race, and more at the village/town level. 
This link contains the copyright law in its entirety. 
U.S. Dept. of Education site provides resources for students, teachers, parents and administrators. 
Compliance activites and enforcement actions 
Online resources available from the Environmental Protection Agency. 
Contains links to health and safety sites for parents. 
A single point of access to authoritative business, trade, and economic information from across the Federal Government. 
...explore the paintings, sculptures, graphic art, and decorative art, the Senate's collection - taken from website description 
A collection of digitized children's books published from 1850-1900 in the U.S. and U.K. 
Is the Federal Government's official, digital, secure resource for producing, procuring, cataloging, indexing, authenticating, disseminating, and preserving the official information products of the U.S. Government. 
Click on "Home" to use Number Search and find link to "view full-page images (.pdf)" 
Database providing plant information by the United States Department of Agriculture 
USDA Food Safety You Tube channel 
Provides scientific information intended to help educate the public about natural resources, natural hazards, geospatial data, and issues that affect quality of life. 
Database of standardized geoscience information for the nation. 
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collects information needed to understand the Nation's water resources, and provides access to water data, publications, and maps, as well as to recent water projects and events. 
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum oral history interviews. 
United States Postal Service - for all your mailing needs. 
Resource dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and outsider arts. UbuWeb began in 1996 as a site focusing on visual and concrete poetry. 
A version of Google that searches federal, state, local, and international government agency websites for information. 
Allows you to search their catalogs of over 4,800 titles by subject, keyword, title, ISBN, Publisher, Series, Department, Language, and Date. Once you find the a title of interest, use I-Share or WorldCat to look up and request specific items. 
Source with links to calculators and counters for dietary information. 
Provides information on former female Members of Congress, along with links to information of currents female members. 
Biographical information about all the women who have served as Senators. 
Provides maps from the University of Alabama. Particularly strong collection on the southeastern United States. 
Information and guidance regarding leadership and policy, learning and development, decisions through data, community and family, and teaching and curriculum. 
The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR). Lewis structures and molecular geometry; a glossary of chemistry terms is also provided 
At the American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress. Collects and preserves recorded memories of America's wartime veterans and civilian volunteers, support staff, and war industry workers. WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf. 
University of Minnesota Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies video collection. 
YouTube video explaining how to use the Occupational Outlook Handbook site. 
SAGES TV - Home of SAGES Surgical Videos. 
The VRI highlights and analyzes important content within religion-related websites. Hyperlinks are provided not only to homepages but also to major directories and documents on the VRI site to speed research. 
Contains a "set of Lewis Dot structures, Hyperchem 3D renderings, and Protein Databank files (*.pdb) for a variety of molecules." 
"...a dynamic international multimedia broadcaster with service in more than 40 languages. Serving an estimated weekly global audience of 187.7 million, VOA provides news, information, and cultural programming through the Internet, mobile and social media, radio, and television. VOA is funded by the U.S. Government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors. 
Wisconsin Center for Education Research 
Free K-12 educational videos organized. Tens of thousands of excellent, educational videos in a huge, intuitive directory. 
video files produced by the DOE National Laboratories, other DOE research facilities, and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). --Description taken from 
Weather Wiz Kids is designed especially for kids to allow them to learn more about the fascinating world of weather. It's also a wonderful educational website for teachers and parents to give them the right tools to explain the different types of weather to children. 
The WebMD content staff blends award-winning expertise in medicine, journalism, health communication and content creation to bring you the best health information possible. Site also contains symptom checker. 
Nonprofit site dedicated to practice development, advancement, and educational support of nurse practitioners and to the promotion of accessible, quality health care to the consumer. 
A site that gives information on passport registration etc. 
Official website with resources available from job searching tips to information on each branch of counseling. 
The website of the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Features information on Crime in relation to Housing and Urban Development 
A free, multidisciplinary, open access, digital resource of books, literature, multimedia material, and archives collected into a single institutional repository initiated by the global Church of the Nazarene. 
Information from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics for parents and what they can do to help further their children math education. 
Document Delivery is a service that allows you to request scanned copies of articles and book chapters from ONU’s print collections. If the material is not otherwise available online, the library staff will send you pdfs of articles and book chapters within the limitations of copyright law. 
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) obtains research materials such as books, articles, and microfilm that are not available from the Loyola libraries. 
Books, theses, periodical articles and some materials reproduced in microform, such as newspapers, may be borrowed in accordance with the US copyright law. Books owned by ONU that are currently checked out or are designated missing or lost in the library catalog may also be requested. If you are unable to find an item that our catalog indicates is available, please request the item in library catalog. We will conduct a search and notify you of the results. If the item is confirmed missing, you may request a copy through ILL. 
The following types of materials may not be borrowed through interlibrary loan: books available at a ONU library including non-circulating materials in the reference collection and on reserve; entire issues or volumes of periodicals; materials for reserve, group, or extended use; and archival materials.
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials.
Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research". If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use", that user may be liable for copyright infringement.
This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.
This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law. 
"This workbook was developed by parents and early intervention and school personnel to provide information as you approach your child's transition from Early Intervention services. We hope it will be useful to
you and your family." 
Along with biographies on the Presidents, you will find information about their spouses and presidential libraries. 
"Guide to what the major media companies own." 
Current ONU undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff may use this service.
Alumni and community patrons are not eligible for interlibrary loan services. We encourage these patrons to use the interlibrary loan services of their local public library. 
Play the Wild Weather Adventure game. Your weather research blimp will explore Earth and its weather. With luck, skill, and strategy, you will race other weather research blimps to be first to travel all the way around the world and win the game. You can play with your friends or by yourself with a computer opponent. -- Description taken from website. 
Is a research and education policy center that seeks innovative solutions to critical problems facing the United State and the world. 
This site hosted by the European University Institute provides links to several different historic map collections. 
Writing an Abstract (University of Adelaide, Writing Centre)
Note: follow the instructions for an "Informative abstract" 
Site that has resources for teens and the workers within the organization. YFC works with local churches and other organizations to reach teens for Christ. 
Always have your stock portfolios at your fingertips. 
YouTube Creator Blog: Free Music for Your YouTube Videos 
ZooBurst is a digital storytelling tool that lets anyone easily create his or her own 3D pop-up books. 
Postcards of Nursing: A Worldwide Tribute. Chosen by American Journal of Nursing as 2004 Nursing Book of the Year. 
5000+ free printable pages and worksheets 
iPad app - Blokify is 3D modeling software that enables children to to create toys they can play with virtually or physically via 3D printing. Download Blokify from the iOS App Store -- description taken from website 
eBook Collection & eBook Search
We subcribe to 15+ collections of eBooks, in various subject areas, listed on the eBook Collection page.
- Use keywords in the search box on this page to identify full text books.
- Use the arrow icon to expand each database description to find one that is right for your discipline.
- Many of our eBooks allow unlimited simultaneous users.
- Some titles limit the number of simultaneous users to 1-3 people at a time. Encourage your students to close the browser window of all eBooks when they are done reading, in order to promote sharing of the limited titles.
- Course eBooks Notify us if you are using Benner eBooks. We'll do weekly checks of continued online access.
- Bookshelf by VitalSource
eFunda (engineering Fundamentals), launched in 1999, is a website for locating reliable engineering information. 
Online field guide. Includes nature games, facts, and activities. 
Consumer health information from the U.S. government 
Consumer health information from the U.S. government 
The site can help you find funding for different science topics. It includes resources for teachers so they can create lesson plans.